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Inflated Hammer, um... info please?

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Inflated Hammer was given to me by the Snow Faerie... I looked it up in the TP and only two other people are selling it. for about 600 - 800k.


But i don't know if this is the right price.


Inflated Hammer isn't in the Battlepedia here either, so I figured I'd come here and ask about it.


I wanted to sell it, I put down I wanted 590k, but i would like to know what the real price is. :)


Any help would be wonderful! :D




I was just told "nice new weapon, attack 6 icons and defends 2 light"

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I just looked up about it. It does seem to be a new weapon seeing as tdn or idb doesn't have info on it.


Though looking at the trading post, it seems to be deflating to 200k. Though 800k for 6 icons is a total waste of np.

Though im sure HBK will appreciate if you test it out and tell him what exacticons it does.

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