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Part 9 Help!


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Edit:ok, so im at the part where you need to click on the windows of the Colosseum so that you find the Grarrl.

Well, I've clicked on every window like 5 times each and i still haven't found him >.<!!

Any ideas or suggestions on what I should try so i can find him??


Edit: I FINALLY FOUND him!! Thanks everyone who replied trying to help. ^_^

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Thedailyneopets has a great plot guide here

All you need to have is patience. Take your time (I'd go row by row so you don't get mixed up) and if you've been on it for just about forever take a break and come back to it. :yes:


Good luck!

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I've been using the guide from thedailyneopets but I still couldn't find the Grarrl, I have been clicking windows first to last on one side at a time, and I'd taken a two hour break from it went back, refreshed the page and tired again but no luck, yet. =/

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