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WOW, $2.5 million NP?! That's awesome :) Congrats, Livvy!


I haven't been so fortunate. I've actually been ripped off a few times on Neopets, but that's because I didn't take the time to research items before I traded/sold/bought them, lol. So that was an epic fail on both parties <_<


That's insane that people have that much money in Neopets, lmao. I have about 605,000 and I have been saving up...fooooorever lol. So 2.5 million makes my bank account look...oh, what's the word...ah: Sub-Par (lmao).


Back to the subject, the nicest thing anyone's done for me on Neopets is give me a Codestone. At the time, I had no idea what to do with it, so I sold it for a pretty healthy profit :)


It's nice to hear about good people on neopets, what with all the talk about people trying to scam others etc, just being able to acknowledge kind people makes a pleasant change


I gave one of my friends a UB plushie I restocked for her plushie collection. It was only worth about 200k and cost me only about 5k. She turned around and gave me an item for my collection that was worth over 800k. She was a real sweetheart. Wish she still played.


That's insane! One time, while playing Key Quest, I noticed that the other player's computer was way slower than mine so I let her win a mini game (actually, I do this ALL the time with everyone, unless they are rude) which ended up making her win the gold key. Well a few minutes later she sent me a NeoCASH item and thanked me because she figured I had let her win that mini game!


It was the sweetest thing..! She sent me the heart garland! I was going to buy it anyway so that was so special!


Today someone sent me a quest item that I needed :)

In the past, someone was kind enough to lend me a FQD for free. I was really grateful that she placed her trust in me with such an item! :) And now I have a lovely avatar thanks to her!


My brother has been so nice ... he has a faster computer connection so when I want to play key quest and I get frustrated because I try for over 2 hours to get on, he will play with me and wait for me to actually get on. So many times, people get tired of waiting for me to appear because of my connection. He is also helping me get a complete lab map. I feel very fortunate to have him as a brother.


I would love to hear more about your guild you are a part of if you are allowed to send me an invite?


Thank you muchly :graduated:


When I was in middle school, my best friend and I were in love with Neopets. She had actually gotten me into it. However, when we were about to go into high school, she decided she was over Neopets because they were becoming more and more about money than the fun of the website. So she gave me her account that had the lab ray on it. I long forgot what the account's name was but it was very kind of her to just give me it. That's about the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me except for once a person gave me a golden hair brush for a faerie quest. ^_^

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