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Chicken Smoothie


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Thought I might start a topic on this. I have quite a few pets from Chicken Smoothie (CS). Not any from pre-December. I think they are really cute. And they grow up in about a month (except for the new 2nd-gen). They are growable dogs/wolves, butterfly dogs/wolves rats; and other non-growing pets like cats, and horses. They don't need clicks either. :)

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Until now, I'd never heard of Chicken Smoothie, so I think I'll go ahead and look it up (I've already found the website. xD)


Is it fun?

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Yeah. Fun and cute. I like how they make so many different cute pets. :) I have some on my "About Me" page if you would like to see a few of them.


Also, does anybody have any pets from before January they don't want? If so, I wouldn't mind taking any dogs or puppies (only please).

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