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Don't make this mistake...

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So I was able to get a Plushie Acara plush that still had its virtual code attached. I was so excited and immediately put it in and got the All About Plushie Acaras Book, which is worth 2.5mill.


Seeing as how its really hard for me to make neopoints, I skipped using the book and decided to sell it.


Someone offered a Sinsis Grail, which I never heard of since I'm not a battledome type of person. So I looked on trading post and saw how much it sells for. I was like wow! Okay then! Thinking its my lucky day, right?


So I accept the trade.


Now I'm stuck with a worthless grail that I can't sell, I don't have my book, my way to make neopoints is completely gone, plus the extra money I spent in real life on that acara to get the code... and the guy who traded me has my book up for trade for 2.5mill


I'm so depressed at this point, I just want to make sure no one else makes that mistake.


If you are going to accept items, google them too, don't just look on the trade post. If you find out they are worthless, don't accept.


With that said, if for some reason someone wants a sinsis grail, let me know x.x


You should ask around the boards to see if anyone is looking for it. Who knows, maybe a collector will come around and pay a pretty penny for it.


I made the same mistake too when I was new. I didn't know about ETS or HTS items and I traded an ETS for an HTS item :S

Needless to say, I got stuck with it for such a long time that I decided to just sell it for a huge discount, just to get the neopoints out of it. Never use the TP as a guide to prices. Most people have trades up for much much worth than its real price. Yes, the boards would be a better guide. Just ask around. Anyway, good luck selling.


Yeah the same thing actually happened to me. I got a Turdle for something else before I realized how hard it was to sell. But I was asking around the boards and I found a willing buyer. It's called HTS for a reason. Just be patient, you'll get it sold eventually. Or you could do the same thing the other guy did to you.


[quote name='Unstream' date='Jan 23 2009, 06:35 AM' post='209113' ...Or you could do the same thing the other guy did to you.

Well, you probably wouldn't want the guilt hanging over your head. It makes playing less fun 0:)


You should look for something you want that is worth a bit less than the grail, and trade it to someone that is willing to except HTS items.

There are actually a lot of serious traders that are willing to except a HTS items so long as they are worth more than what your trading for.


I mean it won't get you your points or your money back, but at least you get a cool item that you couldn't afford otherwise.


BTW, do most Neopets merchandise codes yield such profitable items? I just thought it was unique stuff I didn't realize it was stuff worth so much...

* considers going out and buying a bunch of plushes especially since the series six ones available and looking pretty cute*


Thanks you guys for the support :)


The only reason that I managed to be noob enough to fall for that is because that is the -first- time I have ever had an item to sell worth more than 100k.


I have the worst luck with getting good random events. Seven years and I finally get something worthwhile through a code. Never even found a paint brush before XD


To answer the last person.. this code came from the Limited Too neopets. Some of them came with codes. You can actually see them on Neomerch. If they came with a code, then you get one of a few items that are based around the plush itself. Mine is a Plushie Acara, so I got a Plushie Acara book. Those are the ones worth money.


The stuff you get from the newest Series don't yield high neopoints yet because they aren't years old and running out of codes :)


Yes, that happened to me, I had a Baby Paint Brush and someone offered me a Striped Birthday Balloon for it. I looked around and some people were asking for Draik Eggs, 10mil etc. so I thought YAY! I mailed her and asked if she knew what she was doing, 'yes yes I just want the brush.' STUPID ME. I've had it for ages now, gave up on trying to sell. I don't accept anything except pure anymore. Unless I specifically ask for an item. I'm sorry it happened to you :[.


I hope you can manage to sell it, I know you don't want to hear this but it's a lesson. A stupid lesson that I wish I never had to learn and I'm sure you feel the same. But at least neither of us will make the mistake again. You're really nice to post it here for other people so they won't make the mistake too :].


Well, I want a plushie now ^_^. Too bad they're not sold in New Zealand that I know of :[. I wanted a Cybunny for a while. Izzy, do you know? :P.


Yeesh, I'm sorry. I did something similar when I was new to neopets. I don't remember the situation exactly, but I ended up losing tons of NP because I was stupid enough to believe the item was worth as much as the offer-er said it was. Then I learned to either sell, or put my wishlist as "You know what's fair, and so do I. So be fair, and you'll get it."


A lot of people have been doing this with asparagus lately, tricking people into thinking you need asparagus for the adam avatar. One of my friends lost 5M NP like that. =\


~ Livvy


Oh wow, I feel bad for them then.


I think I'm going to just buy another one of those plushies with the same code and see which plushie item I get. Hopefully I'll get the book again.


I went ahead and took my loss. Traded the grail for a baby paint brush. I had wanted the neopoints from the book because I needed to buy like 4 baby paintbrushes... but I suppose one is better than nothing when you get ripped off, eh? *smiles* At least now I'll have my baby aisha.. hmm or blumaroo.. or... *giggle* I'll figure it out.

Oh wow, I feel bad for them then.


I think I'm going to just buy another one of those plushies with the same code and see which plushie item I get. Hopefully I'll get the book again.


I went ahead and took my loss. Traded the grail for a baby paint brush. I had wanted the neopoints from the book because I needed to buy like 4 baby paintbrushes... but I suppose one is better than nothing when you get ripped off, eh? *smiles* At least now I'll have my baby aisha.. hmm or blumaroo.. or... *giggle* I'll figure it out.

THAT is lucky! I tried to trade that balloon for a BPP with no success. Ah well, I'll keep trying!

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