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Hey, just thought I'd introduce myself on here :)

I'm on neo with the same username, played on and off since 2004.


I'm hoping to be lent the avvie pets, and some of the items I don't have yet (ZDAP, MSPP)


And for those of yu who aren't convinced....*gets out freshly baked cookies and glasses of milk*



I'm new too :) Well to the forum part


I am on neo under this name and have been playing for 7 years but my old account is gone....forgot the password. Whoops ;)


Anyway Hi everyone :)


:) Thanks for the welcomes :)


And welcome to yu qtpie! ^_^


Haha good Katy I'm glad :P There are plenty of cookies for when yu finish that one hehe.

I've been using TDN for a few months now, but only just decided to come on the forums, hopefully I'll be able to catch up on the pet and petpet avvies I don't have b)


welcome to you two, I hope you enjoy the forums as much as I do, don't forget to read carefully the rules ;) you don't want any angry mod here. lol


By the way I'm Kai, nice to meet you :D


Have a nice day


Welcome to TDNForums! ^_^

My name's Stephanie.

The ALP is rebuilding again so hopefully the ZDAP will be back soon, but I'm not so sure about MSPP XD (seriously)

Remember to read the rules and there's some snacks somewhere here, feel free to take as much as you like :D (But there's a rumor about the cookies.....someone else'll explain *shifty eyes*)

Anyway, stay active and cya around!

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