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I really must know how to get Neoflu or Sneezles. I want to get the Meuka Battledome Challenger and the avatar... but the only problem is I don't know how to get the illnesses. Is there a possible way without having to wait until you get the random event?


Yes, you can try to get it from the Wheel of Misfortune, and one other wheel.


play the wheel of misfortune at least 5-6 times a day and chances are one of those spins will make you ill


or just borrow the orange grundo from the ava. lending chain, and you can get meuka with her.




The other wheel isn't the Wheel of Excitement, by any chance? Whenever I land on that skull, I always get Neomonia. And there's never the cure for it in stock! I might get my hopes up that I get the illness. Thanks!


EDIT: Just read malindamya's post. I don't want to use my recieving transfer yet. I'm waiting until the month is over, as I've used the sending one. I think it would be easier just to do it myself unless I don't manage to get the avvie before February.


EDIT #2: RARRRRRRRRRGH! Silly wheel of Misfortune! I landed on the POX spot, but I got Neoblues instead of Neoflu!


That Wheel of Misfortune is really random. Just keep trying and eventually you'll get Sneezles or Neoflu. I spun that wheel 3 or 4 times a day for over 8 months before my pet got Neoflu, but a coworker got Sneezles for her pet almost right away.


And yes, you'll often land on the POX result but the disease won't be Sneezles or Neoflu. When that happens, you have to start visiting the Healing Springs too. It's a lot of hassle! :)


I wanted to know the answer to that Q too, Cuz I really want Mueka as a battledome challenger...anways it does pay off when you click other posts too.


Nope. Just Neomonia. Rotten Omelette = Ugga Ugga, Poisonous Lollypop = Floppy Tongue. I'll look for more poisonous foods to try. :)


I got meuka as a battledome challenger yesterday. I spun the wheel of misfortune and wullah, tonight's disease: sneezles XD

But I'm one challenger off from challenging him in the DON series.

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