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Requests Update (Jun and kaiandshadow)


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Thought i might as well show you what i've been fiddling about in the past few days. Line art only though, yet to shade them.


Jun cybunny: Ishigaki.

You have a cybunny who loves sweets, the image of a young, frolicking boy instantly popped into mind so i went in that direction. added the idea of 'sweets and confections in good measure. Hope he doesnt seem too much like a girl D:


kaiandshadow's lupe: ( i have no idea where your lupe went! Did you zap him away?? Wouldnt that make my picture pointless??)

I had the idea of a lupe who loves reading particularly about the magics of the earth, growth and plants. I went a little bit overboard with the oriental flavor here though, so i hope its no problem :D


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Oh my gosh. These are incredible.


I won't ask for one cause I saw that your requests are full,

but I will keep my eye out for when you are requesting again

because these are just insanely good. I'm totally blown away.


And I don't the bunny is too girly. I mean you can only make a bunny look so manly, right?

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wow this is amazing!!! you're a wonderful artist :D, no problem for the carrots reading lol its very nice! and yes, I zapped my poor lupe and turned ito a gnorbu :S


Well i hope you get him back lol, otherwise this picture would be rather awkward haha!

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I'll buy a lupe tranmorfrification (or however it spells) potion to bring him back :D. I'll tell the whole story: When I created this account I had galonligthening 2 as a red lupe and always the best as a yeallow eyrie (my nephew created this one) then I got the lab ray and zapped my red lupe and turned into a red grarl and then into this spoted kiko, then I zapped the eyrie adn turned into a blue tuskaninny and then into a green lupe :D, now is that yellow thingy... I hope to bring him back.

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Wow, those are amazing! You're an awesome artist, you know. <3

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