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A message or a spam???


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Did you recive a pm from a person named JoHn(I think)declaring he go a way to find nepoints? :sad01_anim: i would have attached the letter but i already deleted it from my inbox.

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That is spam


If you receive another from him, please please please report his name to TNT. It is non permitted to send out neomails like that, nor find loop holes and cheat in neopets. That is definitely not a good neomail to receive.

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yes, as i recall it DID ask for my password, it went like that. eehm

Hi i found the best way to get neopints and items for free blablabla.then it said something like this,

just send TNT (somekind of password though i dont recall) and your neoid and password and TNT will think you are a Staff member which will enable you to control neopets ids and you can steal money and blablabla.

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either way that is a bannable offense, and because of Neopet's high standard, can lead to more then just a bann.


These are things you need never do on Neopets


1. Find a 'Quick' way to earn neopoints. Earn neopoints like every one else, don't cheat

2. Stealing Neopoints or items, why would you take someone else item for yourself anyways?

2. Giving out your password or personal information. Its your account and only you should have access to the rest of the information

4. Go to links to sites you are unsure of that promote Neopoints. Unless it is a sponsor link from the neopets website, you should never go to a site that guarantees you money

5. Never accept mail from someone Claiming to be TNT and ask for your password. TNT can get your information if they needed, and they even say so.


So any of this, you can go ahead and report and or delete.

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Hmmm Just Report Him, Ive Had A Lot Of Those Sort Of Messages, Mostly Fake Logins. But Ive Reached A Highscore Of Freezing Accounts, My Current Level Is 22. Yay! Lol, I Only Started Two Days Ago Aswell. :)

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Hmmm Just Report Him, Ive Had A Lot Of Those Sort Of Messages, Mostly Fake Logins. But Ive Reached A Highscore Of Freezing Accounts, My Current Level Is 22. Yay! Lol, I Only Started Two Days Ago Aswell. :)


you get levels for reporting people? is there a point to this? and where can you check?

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Ya I didn't know that was an option O.o that's something new.


Screen shot maybe as well?



If users are gaining rank for freezing people would this account for the large number of unnecessary freezes?

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Omg... You People Take Things So Seriously, I Have Commited NO Unnesessary Freezes, Only On Those That Have Tried To Scam Me. Plus I Just Counted, And I Dont Think TNT Just Take One Look At Your Report Then Freeze. They Have To View The Evidence Aswell, Which Means That I Have Proof That I Havnt Been Report-Happy. Hey Wouldnt It Be Good Though If We Had A Freezing High Score Table? :P

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yup that would be cool and then what if they gave as magical kiko plushies and a biscuit paint brush and we take a munck from the....ok back to the subject I just wish that they wil stop though :crying_blow:

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Hey Wouldnt It Be Good Though If We Had A Freezing High Score Table? :P

To be honest, no. Like Unstream said:

TNT can't and wouldn't do that because it'd result in way to many people abusing the system.
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The next time someone neomails you for your password simply report it and delete the message. Then just sit back and relax, safe in the knowledge that you helped do your bit to get another cheater off the neopets site.


Oh and Sara I agree with you entirely a freezing high score table would be a very bad idea. Though there will certainly be good honest people who would only report when they should, something like that would be to easy to be abused by the same sort of numpties who ask for your password in the first place.

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