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Adver Video - Error Code 203, Please Try Again

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Are you using Fire Fox? I get that all the time when I use Fire Fox...I just use Explorer instead.

If your using Explorer I don't know what to tell you maybe log out and log back in,

and if that doesn't work wait a while try again, and then if it still doesn't work send a bug report...


I'm not sure you can do anything about that. For me it just happened for a couple weeks and then disappeared after a while.


That was the main reason I stopped going on adver video XD

With a bit of googling I managed to uncover some info from other people experiencing that problem. Something about disabling adblock first but since it works eventually as Unstream mentioned I don't think I know the main problem.


I had that issue for almost a month and yesterday it finally worked! lol


And yes it seems to be a firefox specific issue. It has always loaded in IE.


i use firefox and sometimes that does happen to me, especially if i have a lot of windows open, plus itunes running etc...it only works after i completely close down firefox and restart and it almost always happens when its a disney/sponsored ad (wierd)


Hmmm This Is The Fourth Post Of This Kind That Ive Read Today, Maybe Neopets Has A Bug? :)

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