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Sweet Heart Negg


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I haven't opened one personally, but the highest rated candy I've heard gotten from it is 9K :/


But I know there is a chance for a very high rarity index as well. So like everything we love, it's random.

I think most people that get those open them for the rarity of the food inside because they are going for Gourmet Club

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Oh yeah sell it definitely. It sells for approximately 21k, which is nice to have in your pocket. And if they're anything like the ice creams you get at the shop in Terror Mountain, it'd definitely be best to sell it.

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You can always risk them or you can always eat them..it's really up to you ultimate what you want to do with it.


I always keep my first ones to myself or even in some cases I cash them in for tokens, but 21K is a good asking price for a Negg.

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lol since it was my first sweet heart negg, I fed it to me pet just for the 'experience'. Was disappointed though lol

And I also got my first ice cream coupon from Taelia <3 took it to the ice cream cart ^_^ fun! But I'll definitely sell the ones I get next from my dearest Taelia! I try to do some quests for her daily (if cheaper than 7k) and once she gave me a bag of peanuts ^_^


So yea, question answered XD

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I'd Open It, I Love Exciting Things Like That. Im A Proper Gamblers Lol. :)

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Did you feed the peanuts to an elephante? Or did you already have that avatar?

Well I don't really like how the avatar looks, it's very...simple and normal (besides I don't like elephantes, not yellow) so I sold it. And I'm very glad I did so cause the person who bought it from me is now a friend of mine ^_^ and a great one too

But if my beloved Taelia gives me another one sometime then I'll create an elephante and feed it to him/her

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