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Hey everyone!


My name is Earth and I am new to the fourms of TDN. I have spent a lot of time on the site as a whole.


I live in North Carolina, USA. I am a stay at home mom to an almost 3 month old baby. My husband works in computers and he and I are both on the computer 80% of our time. I used to be a paralegal and have also worked in US politics (during this last election, I worked for a man running for US Congress).


Neopets.com Is my favorite place to go on the web, I have 4 pets and enjoy making goals for myself on the site. Currently I am trying to break 1 million neopoints without spending all of them first.


I love TDN and I am really excited to be a part of this community. I have been reading your posts before now - I guess you could call it lurking - but you all seem like really nice people! :)


Anyway, nice to meet you all!

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How adorable, your baby is!


But when I first saw your picture I thought, she can't be too much older than me, maybe like... 18-19? Perhaps she is holding her baby sibling.


In case you take it otherwise, I meant it as a compliment. Unless you ARE my age, but you can't be because you are married.


Anyway, I'm Larua. And I'm cold right now. And just had a random twitch the other moment that made m wave my arms like a madman. I didn't do it voluntarily, I swear. :shiftyeyes_anim:


EDIT: Oh look at that. I can't even spell my name. Gah what's wrong with you Laura! *slaps self*

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