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The Display Name....


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You have to be a Super Member (like me :D) to be able to change your display name. To become a Super Member, you have to have 400 or more posts. Super Members can change their display names once per month, and Fantastic Members (2,000 posts I think) can change their display names twice per month.

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I'm a bit late, and also wishing to change my name. But as someone has posted that question already, I will reply here. At least I'll be another post closer to changing my display name. Must... reach... 400 posts! I am looking forward to becoming a Super member. Not only do you get to change your display name once every 30 days, you also get a bold name on the board index where the online members are! (Unless you are invisible, of course. :P)

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Well, if you're aiming to post intentionally, make sure you stick to the rules.

There's no point in having a bold name in shame :P

(ok, that was dry)

But it was catchy U:

I don't really care about the name to be honest XD Bold would be pretty neat i suppose

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