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What are the chances out of a milion for getting one of the stars in Bagtelle?

Also, has anyone won before? I have! But trust me, I spent about 2k on it. :]


Out of a million? About ten or so. It's extremely hard to get a star. To get the one most on the left? About 1 in 5 million. You are either very, very lucky or TNT to land there. And being TNT is more likely. :P


The chances are very slim.

Although the very first time I played it I won 2k.

Not too bad, but I'd best avoid playing games like that. ;)

I've never won anything. I tried a few times and decided to give up. It's rigged, isn't it :P

All games in the Haunted Fairgrounds are "Rigged" But the gist is, that they are just hard to win. Its rigged, but not like Neopets rigged. all it really is is that the chances are hard to come bye


I haven't really played that one though, Personally, i found no need since there was no avatar XD

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