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Meh, I just wanted to post somethings, stay alive on here, ya know?

Feel free to critique, but please remember "It Sucks" isn't critiquing..

I wont lie, I am not to font of my style, nor do i like my coloring

one bit, but at least i know i am improving, and that's pretty good, right?



Ash Crimson from king of Fighters, My current ID on Deviantart.



Scribble i draw on SAI tonight, I downloaded the program so i could color as nicely as my brother



A Sonic Fan character I made a few nights back, Never really developed her..



Image i did on a Chat a few month ago, I jsut liked the outfit, nothing more..



Old Oekaki i did of Biona



Besides my Bruno Poem (Chinese Only) I have a Picture of Bruno, Garin, and Jaquese i did a few years ago.



Character sheet i had to do over the summer.. I did this in March or so...


Thats all I will post (I was deleting a lot of my stuff earlier today, so These are my only ones i am proud of to say..) That and I think i am flooding up a lot of this page with pictures from Deviantart that might not even show...


Oh One More thing.. Anyone Sprite? I am pretty bad at it :P

But I am currently working on filling out this Base I took from a friend. She did the original, I am just filling it in with my characters.. I have only done Two so far, and One of them needs a color edit, since his skin tone is not correct.

That and I am also editing her colors chosen (and then some)


I personally can not stand the shading on Biona, since I did that during the day, and the Maybeck one during the night, But the Tiara on Maybeck is still my favorite thing i have done on this piece so far..

Wow, good job. That's a whole lot better that I could even think of being able to do.


Really? Thank you ^^ i am glad you like



EDIT: in case anyone really looks at this.. I made two recent



Princess Kira



Prince Nyuujou

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