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So i had a very old drawing, and nothing to do. So i decided to photoshop it, and here it is!











as you can see i did some changes and accidentally made her hair too long XD


This is the first time i've used this type of shading, what do you guys think?





EDIT, MAR17/10:


Wow, it's amazing what you find when you do a google search of your name. Just saying hi. Not coming back, but it's good to see the place again. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

*flinches at sight of old art* oh, wow. I'm gonna have to go back and re-do that stuff. I still have a tablet but photoshop is giving me heck. . .

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I really need to get round to drawing some Neopets characters and items. On topic, I think your Illusen looks fairly good, apart from the error with the hair on the Photoshoped version. :)

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That looks great! I really like the shading. I also need to try coloring in photoshop some time...


Apart from that one ear, there are a few things that could be fixed. The rugged look of the line bothers me, but I'm not completely sure that can be remedied... You also might wnat to take a look at the feet. They look rather 2Dish.


Other than that, I love it! :) I especially like the pose. Very creative! :yes:

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