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Does the crazy kookith scientist love his own kind?


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Well, i just have to brag about this XD :laughingsmiley:

3 days ago I bought a kookith. Right after I bought it I attached it to my kiko. Right after I attached it, I used the petpet lab ray on it, and I got my first specie/color change! It turned into an Island Snorkle. Unfortunately, I don't like how it looks, so the next day I unattached it and then reattached the kookith to my pet. Then I went to lab again, nothing happened this time. Just now I zapped my kookith the 3rd time, and guess what! It turned into this weird petpet I've never seen before XD (it's called a Crabula, a Faerie Crabula)


I took these for screenies :P


Two days ago



Today (by zapped I meant the zapping worked XD)



But what I wanted was a strawberry kookith, to go with my strawberry kiko. My kiko is called cutie, and his petpet is called kooty ^_^ They match XD

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