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Linking down a page


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Ehhhhhh...... welllllll....I think I have that somewhere in my coding book, but I'l have to find it, and....I don't know where it is...

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If you're linking to your page, it's easy to do. If you're not, you're going to have to email somebody. Here are the instructions on linking:


We'll call Page 1 the page where you have the link, and Page 2 as the page you are linking to.


Page 1: <a href=http://www.blablabla.com/blablabla#1>Link</a>


The number 1 means which part of the page.


Page 2: I think you put a number 1 somewhere in the coding but I forgot where. I'll see if i can find it.

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I could've sworn I replied to this topic explaining what anchors were. I swear...


anyway yes. Anchors are what you mean, and your best bet is lissaexplains.com as suggested above. I did have my own little detailed responce, but it obviously went walkabouts...

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o_O They're not that difficult to explain :P


For the place that you want it to appear, you'll need this:


<a name="NAME HERE" id="NAME HERE"></a>

(The ID part isnt necessary and you can leave it out, but I think its necessary to be W3C Compliant.)


Then, in your link, just put this:


<a href="#NAME HERE">Click to go to NAMEHERE</a>


The # is necessary =D


It'll then scroll down (or up :O) to the part called NAMEHERE. You can put that anywhere; put it above the text that you're using.

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