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Chinese Banquet of the Pwnful People!

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*Using Metroid as a shield, picks up rabid possum and places it in the rabid animals room* Anime, you can come down from the rafters now. The only rabid animal left here is Metroid. *Pushes Metroid into rabid animal room* Now no more rabid animals!

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*comes down* I think I got a splinter that time....


I imagine Metroid may have a pair of tweezers in his pocket, but I doubt we should disturb him right now...*Listens to commotion coming from rabid animal room*


I can manage. "gets splinter out with teeth"


*Is seen sitting on a chair along with the possums in the Rabid Animal Room*


Rabid Possum: Would you care for more tea, my dear Metroid?


Metroid: Why thank you ever so much. This tea is absolutley delicious!


Rabid Possum: Yes. This tea is homemade and the recipe has been in the family for generations.


Another Rabid Possum: Metroid, could you pass the Butterscotch Krimpets?


Metroid: Certainly! *Passes Krimpets*



wha a nice conversation

theyre having!

and they have KRIMPETS!

*opens closet dramatically and jumps in*

...its dark...


MIni, RABID ANIMALS. I'd get out of there....


Erm, just one question. Metroid, why is the rabid possum being so nice? He, like, gave u rabies.... *Glances into rabid animal room.* Tea time. But I wonder what's in the tea....? :weird:


Metroid: Why, that's a great question, Miss Foxy.


Rabid Possum: A great question indeed.


Metroid: Apparently, when I was infused with rabid possum rabies, they accepted me into their culture. It's quite exhilerating.


Rabid Possum: Lady Foxy, would you care for a Butterscotch Krimpet?


Foxy: Why, yes, Sir Possum, I would enjoy a buterscotch crumpet. May I join your little tea time?


Foxy: But, Sir Possum, I can fetch you some more crumpets in the crumpet room!


*dashes to crumpet room, picks up 2 platters of crumpets, and a pot of Earl Gray tea, a box of sugar lumps, a pot of milk, and some honey, then dashes back to rabid animal room*


Foxy: Here we are, Sir Possum. May I join this little gathering, even though I haven't contracted rabies?


Foxy: Why, thank you, Sir Possum! May I ask the names of the other rabid animals attending this gathering? And, Metroid, let me say that I have never heard you talking so coherently!


Sir Possum: I'd be honored to share the names of all my magnificient guests. I shall introduce them from left to right. Squilliam Squirrel, Richard Racoon, Randy Rat, and last but not least, Patty Possum. Oh, Patty is also my charming sister.


Metroid: It's simply delightful for you to join us. Mini may join also.


Mini:-squeal- hooray! I am ever so glad that you've allowed me to join! Thank you so much!

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