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TNT discipline


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A friend of mine in real life got hold of my password and after a huge fight we had, she got on my account and stole items from my inventory and all of the available points that I had (around 40,000). The only reason she didn't take from my bank or safety deposit box was because luckily she didn't know my pin number. I reported her to TNT and all I got back from them was a message saying to change my passwords and things (which I did as soon as I realized what happened). I'm just wondering what else they will do? According to their terms, shouldn't her account be frozen? I know that it's not because we're still neofriends and it says that she's online.

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Well we don't know TNT's exact policy on this - they might still be investigating the matter (they do get very large numbers of reports every day). How long was it before you got the message back from them?

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Also, TNT might not just take your word for it. From their end, they have to be able to trace the path of the items. Otherwise, how do they know you're not trying to freeze her account for some reason not having to do with Neopets?

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Yes, Like Strategos said, They might have a hard time to tell if your jsut wanting to freeze her account. But, if she transported the Items and Points to her account, they will start to think about it, If she jsut donated it, spent your points on stuff and donated that too or such, and got rid of the points on your account, there is nothing they can do about it.


For her to discover your password though, means your password was not as secure as you had planed, on a site that requires a password 6 letters or more, if your going to use words (Like happy or Katie) remember to add numbers to it as well. Other then that, there really is nothing they can do. If her account doesnt get frozen, then that's it, Im sure you already know they cant retrieve the items nor the points.

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I got a message back from them like the next day after I reported her. If they are able to trace items then they will see that all of the stuff went to her account, there was only one item that was in my inventory that wasn't there before (pile of dung...I guess she was trying to send me a message or something)- and that it happened from one computer (idk if they can see that or not though). The only reason she was able to guess my password is because it was an inside joke that happened when we were in high school. I use it to log onto my computer and she's been on my computer before. But still, I know I won't get my points or items back, but I just want something to happen.

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Well if the return message was after one day, chances are you'll still have to wait a while for somebody to get round to investigating it. :(

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