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Hey everyone, I'm Scott!

Guest offscott

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Guest offscott

Hi everyone! I'm new! I have just started neopets and I love it. I think its one of the best kids sites ever.


Ummm, so yeah I'm Scott I'm 11 years old and I'm really into computing gaming. Only if its free though ^_^


Don't panic, I have read the rules! I agree and I'll obey them forever!


I am going to stick at this like the Earth and the Sun!


Ok Thanks! Bye!

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Hello and welcome! :D 'Tis good to see you've read the rules already - I'll just point you over to the snack table on your left in case you're hungry. :yes: Enjoy TDN!


PS: I can't stop laughing at your avatar. XD

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Guest offscott

Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome!


Oh yeah, I found the avatar somewhere but I forget where :D. I wouldn't think any of you would think what tv show its from, but I guessed wrong! I love the avatar the last airbender!


OK, so you'll see alot more of me, I didn't make much posts yesterday because I couldn't see any threads what I know much of.

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Well there are plenty of discussions here that don't require you to know much. :P We're really a very random community...



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Mmmm. Avatar... Oh, yes, we're very random. Especially the Chat boards. We switch topics on a daily basis.


-joins Sokka in the swaying- I like Katara more, though.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the best animated series in recent history. It's right up there with Justice League Unlimited in my opinion. I have watched each Avatar episode over two dozen times (I'm obsessed).


Sokka's "Friendly mushroom! Mushy giant friend!" scene is one of my favorite scenes in that depressing episode in the desert.


If you're looking for a place to get started in the TDN Forums, you can try to check if anybody needs Faerie Quest help (you only need to check your Shop Wizard for that). You can also be a helpful newbie to your fellow newbies (like me) if you answer questions by directing them to the appropriate TDN article. For example, if somebody wants to know the trade-in values of neggs, then you can politely suggest that they read http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/neggs/ !


You can also join the more random off-topic conversations at http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?showforum=10 - although be sure to read the first page of each thread so you know the rules for that thread and be sure to read the last page of each thread before posting.

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