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Queen Milli

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It's a school thing... A program, don't really want to say a lot lests just say I can use it at home and at school!

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Congratulations! :D A PDA is a really useful thing to have around, and not just for schoolwork. :yes:


Just a heads up - if it has a touch screen, make sure you don't crack it. That's how I lost my old PDA. <_<

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PDA is basicly a pocket computer, I think PDA stands for Personal Ditgatle Assistent? Something like that.....

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Yup, PDA stands for Personal Digital Assistant (they're also called palmtop computers). :glasses02:

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So what model PDA are you getting? What OS is it running? Are you getting any extras? *badgers you with non-stop questions*

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Just be extra extra careful and paranoid about it. My mobile phone just got stolen (I don't want to say anything more about that sorry topic :) ), so "be careful" is my advice to anybody who's getting something gadgety and shiny for a present.

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It is a windows platform, with like all of the windows things (2007). And we get free things to, free case, free help, free add-ons ext...

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