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HELP : Oops! You don't have permission


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Oops! You don't have permission to view this page!


Parental consent is required to view certain pages on the Neopets.com website. For more information, please click here.


this message is constantly displayed when i try to view the neo boards, or anything to do with my account email.


when i forgot my password, it would not send to the email, and when i finally remembered the password, i am not able to change my email address.


when i try to email neopets about this, it says that i didnt put in an email address.


says i need parental permission. but my bday is 88

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o_O That sounds like a pretty weird glitch to me. You should probably send in a bug report to TNT. :yes: I'm pretty sure this is the correct form for issues of this sort.

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o_O That sounds like a pretty weird glitch to me. You should probably send in a bug report to TNT. :yes: I'm pretty sure this is the correct form for issues of this sort.



yes thanks, but when i fill out any of those forms i get a



Error: Please enter a valid email address where we can contact you concerning the resolution of your inquiry.

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but there is no spot on the form to put in an email address. :S

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o_O that is the weirdest thing I have ever heard o_O


Could one of us send in a report on your behalf?

Or could you send in a report for yourself on a side account?

I guess worse come to worse you could make a new account and transfer your pets...



sure that would be great


my account is pwntjt

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