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Obama or McCain?


Obama or McCain?  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you like to be the US President?

    • Obama
    • McCain
    • Don't Care

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Yeah I'd vote for Obama (the only thing is, I'm underage)


And everyone hates Bush because everybody realized that the war is a load of crap and it's hurting our economy a lot. The NCLB Act wasn't a good one (see it fines schools that perform poorly, which then causes them to perform even more poorly. Doesn't make much sense does it?). Right now we're having an economic crisis, and the President is held accountable for that. The Iraq War causes gas prices to rise, because we get most of our gas from there, and that causes transportation costs to rise, making everything more expensive. Americans, most already teetering on the edge of going bankrupt, still have to buy the items with increased prices and buy gas at insanely high prices. Suddenly they don't have enough money to pay off their loans from the bank, causing banks to go bankrupt. When they go bankrupt, small businesses don't have anywhere to borrow money from to grow. And it basically keeps on getting worse and worse. Not to mention the stock markets crashing.


This is all my understanding of what's happening. I'm not sure that I got all of the facts right, but this is what I've concluded.


So yeah, the US is in a pretty bad state right now. And Bush, being the leader of the country, gets all the blame.

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I'm not american, but I think there should be a "purple" candidate, you know, not so red, not so blue, something in the middle. anyway it's just an opinion.


You mean Independent?

That's a political party too. In fact, I believe there was an Independent candidate running in the election before he got out.

Ralph Nader, I recall.

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Yeah there are Independent parties, though I've never heard of one winning an election, mainly because they don't have the money to advertise or anything.


EDIT: I've found other candidates.

Libertarian: Bob Barr

Green: Cynthia McKinney

Independent: Ralph Nader

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I'm for MCain. Obama stands against alot of my beliefs (abortion, death penalty, the war). While I don't completely agree with everything McCain stands for, he seems to be the better candidate.

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I'm not really over-joyed about either candidate.

However, there are some key issues I disagree with Obama on:

-Abortion (and Partial-Birth Abortion)

-Iraq War


-Marijuana Policy

-Gun Control

Then the whole thing with Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers concerns me.

So I'm for McCain.

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I understand how Obama may conflict with your beliefs, but I'm thinking Obama has the best chance of getting us out of our financial crisis. I mean if we cut the taxes on big businesses some more, the America goes even more into debt. And McCain supports the war. It's really got to stop. It's too big of a drain on our resources. I think Obama has a chance of getting us out of this crisis. McCain would have us screwed.


We gotta get out of this financial crisis first; it won't matter what our policies are if our government and everything collapses from lack of money. We've been living way beyond our means.


And I'm sure Obama doesn't have a relationship with Bill Ayers now. They said it was a while ago, and things changed.

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I'm not old enough to vote, but I hope whoever becomes the next president is better than Bush.

Does anyone know what "Roy v. Wade" is? I saw it on a piece of paper on what Obama and McCain support and oppose. I was wondering what it meant.

Date of the Roe v. Wade decision: January 22, 1973.


Roe v. Wade is the historic Supreme Court decision overturning a Texas interpretation of abortion law and making abortion legal in the United States. The Roe v. Wade decision held that a woman, with her doctor, could choose abortion in earlier months of pregnancy without restriction, and with restrictions in later months, based on the right to privacy.


Effect of the Roe v. Wade decision: All state laws limiting women's access to abortions during the first trimester of pregnancy were invalidated by Roe v. Wade. State laws limiting such access during the second trimester were upheld only when the restrictions were for the purpose of protecting the health of the pregnant woman. Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the United States, which was not legal at all in many states and was limited by law in others.


it was a court case that leagized abortion



I'm sorry that I didn't see your post answering the question... :sad02:

I must have been previewing my post when you posted it.


Please accept my apology?


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Does it mean anything when the most prominent argument against Obama is his so-called association with terrorists and his being an eeeeeevil anti-America Muslim? I kinda hope it's the media playing it up, 'cause that's really bad.


Who said anything about Obama being a Muslim?

The fact that he felt it was okay to associate with an extreme rascist and a terrorist should be calling his character into account.

Does any rational person really believe that if he gets elected he's going to call up Ayers and say, "Hey wanna bomb the Pentagon? I got pretty good connections there now." Of course not!

But I have to ask myself, why would he stick around these people?


But, that isn't my main problem with Obama.

I think that he hasn't had enough experiance to be running for president, and I already mentioned that I disagree with Obama on my core values.

A spending freeze sounds pretty good, maybe a bit drastic, but still better then what Obama is proposing, in my opinion.

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Who said anything about Obama being a Muslim?

The fact that he felt it was okay to associate with an extreme rascist and a terrorist should be calling his character into account.

Oh, no one on this forum. Maybe I've read a few too many youtube comments or media quotes but it doesn't seem to be too rare of a "concern". I've heard the words I used by others to describe him before.

Remember that Bill Ayers had long since stopped his extremist ways before he and Obama even spoke, and before he stopped Obama was in his single digits. :/ I'm sure many high profile people have "associated" with Mr Ayers since then.


I think that he hasn't had enough experiance to be running for president,

Still way more than Palin! :P

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i'm voting for obama simply because he speaks clearly and i can understand him. McCain stutters a bit and he also repeats himself alot. Obama just seems more comfortable and therefore i think will make more level headed decisions when the heat is really on. Plus McCain likes Bush and we really don't need any friends of Bush's being anywhere near the white house


EDIT: for people wanting to know why obama is around extremists and things, remember that there are 2 sides to EVERY story.

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