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Um... Hey. I just quit JellyNeo, and I still want to make Pokemon Sprite Mixes like I did there. Please Rate These! And if you want others to Rate yours, post them here!




Hello! I'm Swellotry! Nice to meet Yous.


I'll post my others if you rate this one. You like?


(Psst, if you want to know how to make these, post what you want to know here! :evo: )


Ahahaha, that's pretty good! I used to make Pokemon splices quite a while ago.

I checked my Photobucket account, apparently they have been deleted for some reason I can't remember.

But another user (And Moderator) called Anime could probably show off her splices. :P

If one were to make a "Sprite Morphage Tutorial", where should they put it?

It would probably go under Random Chit Chat, but don't hold me to that.


Those are are pretty good! Very professional looking.


Oh, wow, when was the last time I spliced something... It was a while ago. xD I will post my most recent though...




Corsapix, a Corsola/Vulpix cross. One of my simpler ones, actually....


I've done some spriting more recently, but they're not splices.


Let's see.... This one's a fake Pokemon I made using Leafon's body for a base (I can't draw or sprite freehand) and some colors and parts from other Pokemon, but after the amount of work I put into it and the way I fiddled with the shading it's defintly a custom more that it is a splice or anything... Anyways, I give you....




Deliline! (There's something about the ears and the top of the head in the back sprite that bugs me....)


I'm just gonna copy and paste all the stuff I have on it here to prevent questions. xD


Ability: Flash Fire, Sand Veil

Classification: Cave Light Pokemon

Height: 2'09"

Weight: 39.2 lbs

Type 1: Fire

Type 2: Ground


Gender Ratio

Female: 75%, Male 25%



Deliline spend most of it's life underground. The inner part of it's flat ears open to the back of the head rather than the front, helping it to dig upwards. Deliline's tail is hooked to allow it to move roots more easily and to trip foes. The markings on it's bodies and eyes are used to release excess heat in small areas, and glow when in use. This is often used as a warning to other pokemon. A shiny Deiline's fire is hotter than that of a normal colored one. Rather than digging aimlessly like Diglett and Dugtrio do, Deliline make tunnels and caves and increase their size, making underground roads for other pokemon to use. There are several well known caves that exist due to their efforts. Because of their dilagence and speed, they are often used to help dig out foundations for buildings. Deliline is a very friendly pokemon when raised around humans, good with kids and very curious, but wild ones are known to be mean and territorial. If a trainer catches a Deliline from the depths of a cave and sucessfully tames it, they are often considered a Pokemon taming master.


I don't have Pokedex flavour text written up yet though....

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