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A topic about dreams, yep, dreams. Those visual imagination lands that we travel to every night. And if you think that you don't dream... wrong. You dream, but your mind erases it after you wake up. Which is why it is best to write down your dreams in detail as you wake up as you most likely will forget it otherwise.


It was a dream that gave me the idea for Earthgazer


Now another example of one of my dreams. Last week I had a dream about a song I had never heard before, a song that didn't exist, and the words rhymed perfectly and formed with the beat perfectly. As soon as I woke up, I lost it all. The beat, the imagery, the lyrics. All I remember about it is the line, "I am your shooting star, as your life falls apart."


Now for my most recent, I remember this because of it's horrific imagery. Last night, I dreamed that I woke up and looked into a mirror... My left eye was bleeding horrendously above my iris and down my cheek. x_x




Time for you guys now... Dreams inspire, entertain, and terrify. I am curious what you guys dream. Tell me about it. ^_^


((PS. This topic is in the right forum. As dreams are a part of life, "Your Life"))


Well I know I dream, but lately I haven't been able to remember the simplest thing about my dreams. Which seems kind of strange, since I can normally remember a little about them, but lately I can't remember anything o_O


If I remember one though I will be sure to write it down and tell you about it Lev :)


I do remember my recurring dream/nightmare from when I was a child.

I would be walking in a shopping mall, but there would be no one around. Then I would go up some stairs and would end up in a room full of people sitting. I would walk through the people and they would turn into witches. Then I would run out of the room, fall down a hole in the floor (since the stairs had disappeared) and wake up with a jolt in my bed.


Strange how you remember some things....


Oh dreams rule! ^_^

I've always had weird dreams though! I'm not a big celebrity person - I mean yeah, I have my favourites but I don't read the celeb mag's or know what my favourite actor has for breakfast :) Still, over the years quite a few famous people have popped up in my dreams - people I like, people I dislike and people I don't even really have an opinion on!

One of the funniest was - me and a friend (I knew she was a friend in the dream though I didn't know her in real life) were at the toilet. Oddly, it was a public toilet in a block of flats! She was too busy talking and I noticed through the glass (the normal bathroom type glass, not clear) that someone was waiting to use the toilet - it was Sir Ian McKellen!! o_O In my dream I was wishing my friend would shut up and hurry up because it wouldn't be nice to keep Sir Ian waiting! *lol*


Most of my worst dreams involve the Alien/Aliens from the films Alien. They did scare me for years and I had a dream a few times of being in my high school changing room when an Alien comes in :ohno: There was only one door - which took you into the actual changing bit and then there was the showers. I hid behind the wall bit, at the showers but it was scary (and pointless!) because there was no doors there, and the only exit was blocked by the Alien. So in my dream I had this tension of just knowing any minute now this big, scary Alien was going to come round the corner and get me!

Semi-related to this was a dream I had fairly recently. I am a fan of the guy who mainly is in the Alien suit (from Alien3 onwards) and I dreamt I sent him an Email. Can't remember what, but it seemed a bit more professional than just a fan letter. Anyway, in my dream the next day I came online and heard he was dead. Somehow I just knew it was my Email that killed him - even though in the dream I was wondering how on Earth an Email could kill someone! Still, i felt terrible and when I woke up, for a few days I was worried that I had had some kind of premonition :crying:


Oh, and just last night I had a dream involving the Aliens - I was in the next town from here with the cast of Hollyoaks fighting them! *lol* Somehow we all survived!! :graduated:


I'd have loads more to post, but I'll shut up for now ^_^


Woohoo! A dreams topic :D I'd love to talk about my wild dreams, whether they be recent or not so recent. :D

Here's a dream that happened to me several months ago, like in March or something. ^_^


I was at this history museum, and I was sooooo excited to hear I got an exhibit all about me. (This dream took place in the future. :yes: ) I stopped looking at this dinosaur exhibit thingy and made a mad dash for the exhibit themed around me. I started reading some information about me and I was all like, "OMG THIS IS INACCURATE :grrr: ! JONES! JONES?!?!" Suddenly I found myself in pioneer clothes. o_O


Here is one of my more recent dreams...


My mom, dad and I, plus some friends were going on a road trip for a few days, and we were staying at one of the friends' homes somewhere. It was a nice place, but we had to go through this innertubing course if we wanted to go back to the house. The innertubing course was actually some sort of curse placed upon us :P While I was almost at the house (my mom, dad and some of the friends-hence some, not all) I decided to screw up and start all over again. It was a dumb decision I made, but I enjoyed the innertubing course the second time around-there were huuuuge flat screen TVs placed all over the course...I couldn't take my eyes off of them, even with the fact that they were playing Family Guy...it was just so good to know that I could watch TV. But I finished the course, and I saw my mom, dad and all the friends. The course took me around an hour to complete, and it wasn't torture at all. We arrived at the vacation home and got on the roof, and some rich family (the neighbours) who had around 3 in-ground swimming pools on their property were swimming in an inflatable pool on the roof (dangerous...) and I wanted to jump in. xD I didn't though...


I guess I've said enough. I'll post more dreams that I had once I remember them...I gotta keep them coming! :D

You can infer from this post that I have random dreams ^_^

(Oh, I kept my dreams in a "dream log" for a few days-I wrote the last dream down-it's one of my fav dreams that I've had to date :))


I don't usually remember my dreams that well unless they're particularly vivid ones... usually I have dreams centred around a similar theme over the course of a few months, then have no dreams (or at least no dreams that I remember) for several nights, after which the central theme of my dreams suddenly changes. I can't recall anything more specific about past dreams though.


I do remember that most of my dreams have similar endings - I end up jumping off a tall structure or platform of some sort, and fall for quite a long distance towards a hard, flat surface (usually concrete). When I finally hit the surface, I feel the sensation of the impact, minus the pain, in great detail (basically the bones shattering, joints dislocating, etc.). It's not a very nice way to wake up. XD


I think it a great topic to talk about :) Nowadays I think my dreams tells something to me. They make my fears and bad feelings for real. Like someone liared to me or something bad happens with my family and I cant help... or a dog attaks me ( a month ago late at night a dog attacked me ut luckily there were a small gruop near and i ran to them and the dog left me alone... huhh...) Then after these dream I always think about solutions so when it comes in real I know what to do :)


My dreams are usually a jumble of the events of the past day, but sometimes they can be pretty weird.

I have recurring nightmares about my dog dying, and completely out there dreams where I invent stuff (a portable microwave is the best thing so far).


There's also two dreams that I've had since I was little - one where I'm in a room full of human sized monkeys and snakes, where each periodically unpeel their skins and are the opposite underneath (monkey peels off monkey skin and becomes snake, vice versa) and one where I am a miniature version of myself, fall off a kitchen table, and spend most of the dream falling. Unlike most people who dream about falling, I hit the ground (which hurts a little, but isn't overly painful) and then wake up. I guess my subconcsious is focused on size... weird, huh?


I've only ever had one recurring dream, when I was younger.

In the dream I was in the attic of the first house I ever lived in (even though I'm pretty certain I was never there in real life). It had rows of shelves - like those metal, or at least metal looking, ones you might more commonly find in a hardware type store.

In my dream there was a small, round window high up and the room was filled with some kind of golden light (but I knew it wasn't sunlight from the window). I always made my way to this little box on the ground, always to open it but I always woke up before getting to open it!

It's still annoying because I want to know what was in there!!! *lol*


Also here's a few more random dreams I remember -

I once dreamt that me and a friend (she was a friend from real life) were walking around our high school. It was empty, but I don't know/can't remember if it was night or what. I made a joke about the guy she fancied and she shot me in the back with a shotgun! o_O I woke up with a bit of a sore back too, I panicked for a moment!! *lol*


There was also a dream where I was on some beach - but it was a pretty dirty beach or at least one of those black sanded beaches (and it wasn't a very sunny day!). I was running towards a boat, and all these giant voles or moles were popping up and giant spiders were running towards me. A spider grabbed my ankle and I woke up - to still feel something at my ankle! I panicked but then realised it was just my other foot! *lol*

  • 6 months later...

I have the weirdest dreams, and I usually remember them! Last night I dreamed that I accidentally kidnapped a class of preschoolers. I say accidentally because I never actually saw where they went o.0 My dreams are awesome, because I'm always just an onlooker, even if I'm in the dream. It's like I'm watching a movie. And sometimes there are even twists that I don't expect lol


I also often dream that I've eaten a ton of food, and I'm so relieved when I wake up and realize it was just a dream :/


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I just woke up from a crazy nap and I was dreaming about this older man that thought his son was out of control so he wanted to "install" a remote control into his son to control his actions. Well it didn't work out very well, let me tell you that much. LOL

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