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Its tsill a bit glitchy for me for some reason, and some of the custom building designs werent as good as i expected. Still acceptable nevertheless. Perhaps neohomes 3.0 next time will allow you to build and extend your own building and home from scratch!

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I would like to talk about 3 points about neohome:


1) When you first saw the house example Shennku type one, it has 2 levels but I can only decorate the 1st level and not the 2nd one...


2) Its really interesting that you can add your own pets into it but I find that both of my pets has different size lol


3) I think it would be better if there are walls to separate the rooms so I can decorate the rooms better by knowing which room I want it to be...


Sorry for the off topic, anyway I still misses keyquest than the neohome beta...

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Hmm, I like Neohomes 2.0 =)

At first I thought it was all glitchy and stuff (when I used my own laptop) but when I used another computer (the one I use to play Neopets :P) I could put my pets/some furniture in the Neohome.

My only complaint is, I have a cloud Meerca (^_^) but it's all small for some reason. o.o'

Otherwise, Neohomes 2.0 > Neohomes 1.0. I'm still keeping my old Neohome, because I spent LOTS (yes, lots) of Neopoints (maybe over 100k o_O) on my old Neohome ^w^

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I find that it's an improvement - still not something that I'm especially thrilled about, but definitely an improvement. :yes:

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I like Neohomes 2.0, it reminds me of the Sims, which I am very fond of. The only not nice part about it is how long it takes to load, especially when trying to view someone else's home or painting walls/floors. I haven't done a whole lot with mine yet, I am keeping it on ice until more of the old furniture is converted. At present I just have the starter pack items and some of the items won off keyquest in it.

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I like the new neohomes, I think they're a lot cooler than the classic ones. I heard somewhere that soon you will be able to add walls to create different rooms, but my guess is this will probably not happen for a while. Did anyone know you can now sell your classic neohome and get paid neopoints for it? I believe they pay more or less dependning on what world your classic neohome is in, what type of extension upgrades you have, and how many rooms too.

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hmmmm, I really prefer classic neohome. There are few reasons. I know that the new one are 3D and you can put your pet inside ( and I was waiting for this option for veeeeeeeery long time ;> ), but for me those are only positive things im new version. I started building my neohome few years ago and by now I'm satisfied with it. Or almost satisfied XDD. It's not finished and won't be for a next few years. As I wanted castle my "little" home consumes lot of NP, but by now I know what and where I want , and I spent a lot of money on extensions, furniture and so on. In new version I can't have 40 rooms and inside gardens ;>> I know there should be new features in 3,0. Inside walls and so on, but I also remember that 3 years ago I heard that is shouldn't be long before you could get your pet inside ;> They were already working on it XDD So I think I'll stay with 2,0 version for now. For looong "now". Especially as I don't want to start buliding almost 40 rooms once again ;>>

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I like 2.0 just because my kitchen in the new neohome is awesome. I also like how you can decorate the plot around your house. I've got a cute little fenced in dragonbud patch.


I can't wait for more stuff (especially the neovian chairs/sofa) to be added so the rest of my house can look as nice.

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I like the new neohomes alot...I like how you can put your pet in there and paint the walls..But there are some things that need to be fixed like how it hangs up sometimes and slow and I thought it was suppose to have seperate rooms but i had to buy seperate dividers and they cost alot...But still they are cool...:}

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I like a lot about the new version but it is SLLOOOOOW to load. Everything new on neopets is just crazy slow for me, from the mall, to customisation, to KQ, to this.


I HATE that you can't have more than one home - I really want more than one kind and I only want to have one account.

I think that the scrolling system for seeing your items in the shed is dumb cos I have a LOT of items and it is SLOW.

I think the 3d aspect is awesome, but it makes it hard to get things aligned right - especially when you flip the angles around, things are always in the wrong spot as soon as you flip your view.

I do miss the fact that you could be creative and make your own kinda pools and stuff in the old version - I had the BEST rooftop pool EVER.

I wish more of my rare items would be usable, and that we could use them in more rooms.

I wish we could use MORE of the land plot we're given instead of the small square garden plot. I'd love to see some beachy type arrangements in some homes and paths along clifftops and rivers etc.


But on an incredibly positive note....TNT just informed me my home has been shortlisted for the Neohome Spotlight! WOOHOO!!!!!


"Dear (Me),


Your entry for Neohome of the Week has been held over by the judges. While this does not mean that you have won, it does mean that you have made a good first impression and they have saved your entry for closer consideration. That is a good sign. ;)


We just want to make sure you are aware of this in case you had it in mind to change your entry. It would probably be best not to at this point. ;)


So congratulations! If the status of your entry changes after further perusal, you will be notified.



Happy Neopets Neohome Judging Team!"


So umm....what do you think though....should I try and make my home better or just leave it? I kinda did it in a rush anyway really late one night/morning when I finally forced myself to choose which kind of plot I should get. I always wanted to enter the old spotlight but never got around to it as I never thought my home was finished/good enough. Now I entered just cos well why not? It's so new there's a better chance your home is ok!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I LOVE it! It's fun just decorating the room~!

But there's a few things that I don't like about it.

1)It's all 3D and it makes my internet goes SUPER slow!

2)There's just a living room with no other rooms to decorate! It's not very good seeing the bed in the livin room.


What I love about them is:

1)They can put neopets in/outside the house!

2)some of the furniture is kinda cheap!

3)my clasic neohome is BAD! I hate it! It's soooooooooo plain!

4)It's fun!

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