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well welcome back and in case you havent noticed yet, inflation has hit neopets :( i dont know how long you were gone but they did a few remakes of games and there are a few new ones out :) its still just as fun as it was when i joined 6 years ago though.. XD


Welcome back! ^_^ There's been a lot of changes, espically if you've been gone a while... Just ask around if you get lost, someone will explain! And in forums realted things, read the rules, have fun, be nice, all that stuff. *nods*


*Official handshake* Welcome to TDN! :D You've come to the right place if you want help getting back into Neopets - what you can't find on the main site you can usually pick up by asking around the forums here. :yes: Stick around for a while and get to know us - the active members get kinda bored when there are no new people to talk to. XD Oh, and there's a special snack table on your left for newcomers - take as much food as you like!


Yeah, take as much food as you want BUT DON'T TOUCH THE COOKIES. AA tends to poision them....

I am new to this site.. but not to Neopets.

Welcome ^^


Hi. Me too. It's my first post here only because there used to be a glitch somewhere in my computer that wouldn't allow me to post on this site. I'm using a different computer now and it seems to work. I'm Elaine, neopet user for about 10 months. TDN user for a little less than that. I'm one of the many adults who fell in love with neopets. Hope to meet some new friends here too!


Aww AA, if you can give the official handshake, what can I give? Ooh,

*Official Coffee Mug* :woot: Yes, the official coffee mug. You can never have enough mugs to put the official coffee I give you when you get on my good list. I'm Laura, by the way.


Follow the rules, and don't forget to ask for help. We don't bite here... much.


Well... welcome! My name's Stephanie. Yeah, neopets sure has changed after a few years. Hope you'll get used to the changes and the people on the forums!

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