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Busy taking over the world :: Twin Skies Now.com

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Hello TDNers!


As you know, Adam and Donna, the creators of Neopets have created their own gaming studios called Meteor Games, who is developing a new massively multiplayer online game called Twin Skies. Well, this is totally off topic, but we really like Google. We aspire to being like them. Why? Because they've taken over the world of course! This is want TDN is doing with it's newest branch Twin Skies Now!



Yes, that's right! We're doing a fan site for Twin Skies! We already have a Twin Skies Forum open too. If you're interested in the game and think you'll be a player of it, we encourage you to sign up! Please remember that it's not for Neopets chat though! We've been working on this fan site since the end of June and are very glad to have finally released it (we were just waiting for the name to come out :O).


Thanks for your continued support of TDN,



TDN Management


NOTE : To discuss this announcement, go here.

NOTE 2 : Oh mai! We have our first piece of unreleased information here! :O

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