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Darigan disappoints again...

Guest Krawk Islander

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Guest malteasegirl

im sorry if i said hateful things i forgot that rule :ohno: since i forgot that rule im going to do standards :(

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You can't blame any team for your loss except your own!

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Hmm... yeah, I agree with what was said earlier - tomorrow's Krawk Island vs. Lost Desert match-up will really be one to watch. :yes:

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well...well... oh well... BUT I don't think DC is going to win this year however I think that there might be more surprises coming in stall for all of us like some have already seen...


but still DC must not drag around in defeat! Every team must try their best no matter what ups and downs we have and I'm tallking about EVERY team!


Ps... the title to this topic is very depressing but I guess it is a title.

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