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My bike

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I was just riding my bike for 5 minutes today when I rode past my house for the second time and........(sound of metal and plastic against concrete).... wait..... there's nothing under my foot! My pedal just fell off of the axle!!! Well I guess that's all the bike riding I'll be doing for a while.


Just another thing to add to the big old list of fun and wonderful stuff that happens to me.

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I hope you didn't get hurt too badly. As for your bike, maybe you should speak with the bike repair company and see if it's still under warranty?

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thats dumbb



i got in a car crash like a year ago and the axel came off with the tire on it...yeah it was gay. my car was totaled...

hahaha thats off topic kinda .but ya


i had this nerdy neck brace i had to wear =p

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I just stopped my bike when I heard the pedal fall, so I didn't get hurt. Also, my brother knows his way around bikes (he's fixed mine before) so he is going to cannabalize bikes that don't have enough parts to work to fix my bike.


Your axle came off of your car?!?!?!?! :laughingsmiley: I never heard of that happening before.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh... o_O Nice to see some sturdy bikes on the roads today huh? [/sarcasm] :P


Good luck getting it fixed! :yes:

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