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rate my pics?


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i drew them, they are not the best but their pretty good.




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thanks :) i honestly didn't think to much of them, but their better than other's i've done

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:tired: didn't draw this but...




i just tweeked it a little.






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i don't know how to edit those & put them together, or i would. :(

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For future reference, you can use the edit button in the bottom right corner of your post instead of double posting. :yes:


And those are some great pictures! :D Although seeing as to my complete lack of drawing skill, I'm not really in a position to talk. :P

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i know about the edit button now, & i've been trying to use it alot more now.


and thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen better...


If it's your first time drawing people then it would be acceptable, otherwise I'd advise you get some photos to help with proportions and profiles. Everything is made with shapes and silhouettes in my opinion, details done much later. Another problem could be focusing on details to much and forgetting to view the picture as a whole. That often distorts proportions. It's very apparent you tried hard, though, so I'll give a 6/10.

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Wow that's a harsh critique... but I think that's 'constructive criticism'. Anyway those drawings are great! Do you take drawing classes? I'm not the one to judge, I mean a 12 year old person rating someone who's probably older than me's drawing, that's unacceptable!

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  • 4 weeks later...

my favorite is the earth fairy she is the best fairy!


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