A few days ago I went to a concert of, I thought, Chomby and the Fungus Balls (it said so on the dailies page) since it's been a while since I've seen them. Turns out it was Gruundo instead. Don't know what exactly went wrong there but I was happy since they're one of my favorites. And then I wondered if anyone else on here had a favorite neoband/group. I like he 2 Gallon Hatz, Jub Zambra and the Cobrall Charmers, Mellow Marauders and the Neopian Philharmonic a lot. The one I like the least is Twisted Roses and my favorites are: Wock 'Till You Drop, M*YNCI, Yes Boy Ice Cream, Hikalakas and like I said before: Gruundo. So do you have a favorite neoband?