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Posts posted by May.

  1. What's the point in casually going for em?!


    In the wise words of ... that guy that made that pokemon slogan.


    'Gotta catch em all!'


    Haha, this pretty much. xD

    Some people also aim for the avatar collector trophy.

    At times there's a preassumption that a player who has a lot of avatars is kind of 'elite',

    so people sometimes collect them to show they're trust-worthy or committed players (i.e. when applying for a pet or guild or something).

  2. So am I safe to do dailies on xnothing_and_nowhere now? This is very confusing.


    I think so, they recommend leaving a few days gap before doing so to be safe, but it's not necessary. :)

    Some people put a little blurb on their userlookups saying "This used to be old main, now it's a side" or something along those lines.

    Though I don't know if this actually makes a difference with TNT. ^_^

  3. As others have already mentioned, playing for long periods of time tends to do that.

    Sometimes I get backaches too. D:

    I think they sell some kind of pad that helps your wrist stay in a comfortable position when using the computer.

    Not sure what it's called though. :c

  4. I have The Faerie Ixi in my shop at the moment at 90K.

    If a TDN member wishes to purchase it, neomail me and I can sell it to you for 85K. c:



    I have Purple Petpet Paint Brush (retired item & worth 200K on the TP); I'll sell it to TDN members for 145K. c:



    I also have The Faerie Aisha (worth 600K on the TP); I'll sell it to TDN members for less than half the price, which is 300K.



    Lastly, I have Broken Light Faerie Snowglobe (worth 1 million on the TP);

    I'll sell this to TDN members for 450K (that's less than half the price!).

    I believe this item can be fixed if you take it to Donny's Toy Repair Shop (if you want it fixed that is). :laughingsmiley:



    Please neomail me if you wish to buy an item or items and/or would like to discuss the price. ^_^

    I will probably discount a bit more if you buy more than one item. :)

    Or you can take a look at my trades, but sometimes I take them out of the lot.

    (so I may still have the items even if they aren't in the lot)


    I'm quick selling them because I'm broke. xD


    This item is quite pretty (great for galleries):

    snowglobe_broken_light.gif if you fix it it looks like toy_globe_light.gif



  5. You can actually receive a second FFQ while your first one is unused. But if you turn in the item for the second one, before using the first, you lose your first one. So ideally, (not count the Faerie Quest event) you'd want to hold off on turning in the second item until you used the first.

    Ohh, so that's how it works.

    It'd be nice if we could keep both unused. ^_^

    I have yet to receive even one though. xD

  6. Ah. Finally royal xweetoks. xD

    I have to admit, something about the royalgirl disappoints me.

    Though, I had a feeling they'd be blue & purple for some reason. o_O

    Maybe it's the shade of purple that bugs me, I'm not sure; I think it's too similar to the purple xweetok shade.

    But I actually like the royalboy quite a bit. ^_^

    I think a female royalboy xweetok would be amazing. c:

    Another royal paintbrush to save up for now, lol. :D


    And the header image is so cute. <3

  7. Awww those pictures are so well done! ^^

    I voted for all three as well ^_^

    Thank you so much! :D


    OMG!! ANTONI IS SO CUUUTE <3 XD I voted for all three. Good luck ;)

    Haha, thanks so much! ^_^

    Atoini seems to be very popular, lol. ^^



    These turned out really cute. I love them. I voted for you on all of them. Good luck!

    Aw, thank you so much. ^_^

    I really appreciate it! :)



    EDIT: Thank you guys so much for all the votes; Atoini came in first place & Stahur second! ^-^

    And I came in second last in the CC. ^^;

    Thank you all! <3

  8. Hey good luck! I voted for all 3 of the competitions!

    Aw, thank you so much! ^_^

    I really appreciate it. <3


    I love your picture of Atoini! It is so very adorable, and it's amazing artwork. I have also voted for your other BC entry and your CC. Good luck on all three!

    Thank you so much! :D



    Since I rarely vote on any of those things (since I never can get into the caption competition; I suppose I have really "off" humor) I voted for you once. Probably won't do it multiple times though.

    Thank you, I really appreciate it. ^^

    Even one vote can make all the difference, so thank you! ^_^

    & I know it seems impossible to get in, but if you keep trying, eventually you'll get it! :)

    If you try entering every week or so, I'm sure you'll get in. c:




    You guys are awesome, thanks so much! :D

  9. Hai, guys! ^_^

    I'm in need of your votes, please. c:


    Two of my pets are entered in the BC this week:



    Please vote for Atoini in this week's BC, here. :laughingsmiley:



    Please vote for Stahur in this week's BC, here. c:


    And I just realized today, that I made it into the Caption Contest. :S

    So I was wondering if you guys could vote for me there, too please? xD

    Here is a link to the voting for the CC, please ctrl+f and type in 'makeitawish_x' to find my entry. c:


    I apologize for asking for so many votes, lol. D:

    But you guys have always helped me get votes in the past, so I'm hoping you'll do the same this time. ^^


    Thank you so much! :wub_anim:


    EDIT: Oh, man. Did I post this in the wrong area? D:

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