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Posts posted by xX7SamaraLee7Xx

  1. I found the rainbow worm waiting for me this morning, refreshed at moltara one time and there he was... didn't take note of the time though....


    Finally got my moltite but no access to the magma pool yet :)


    Where exactly does the rainbow worm show up?


    I'm getting really frustrated with these refresh quests they keep sending us on. I gave up on the gears one.

  2. I don't know because I just tried to do the plot on the house computer (I was doing it on the laptop) and it's still not working. I guess I just wasn't meant to finish this plot. lol It's sad I made it to the last 3 parts and I can't get past it.

  3. I just turned all the round ones so that they made a + sign and all the switches up to flood altador and it did flood it. Then I went back and they were asking for help so I went back in and did it again and instead of flooding it went to another screen and it said the water had been rerouted properly and there would be no flood. I was done. I hope it works for you!

  4. I started the plot a few days ago and stopped at the beginning of this part. I finished it up to the constellation. I used the constellation finder and went to my telescope to where it said to go and the stars aren't there. So I tried retracing my steps. I went back to the creature and it was gone. I went back to the astronomer and he says

    "The archivist frowns as you enter. "A necklace on a pedestal? Guarded by a spectral beast of some kind? Surely these are not the tools of someone with nothing to hide. Go, find the next constellation.""


    and the astronomy club still says

    "The Astronomy Club members greet you warmly as you enter the room... except the club president, who isn't here.


    The Wocky, Korbat, and Buzz approach. "No, we haven't gotten rid of him yet. He left just as we were about to take over. We're gonna wait by the door, and when he comes back in, that's when we'll make our move! Get ready!" They hide by the door, waiting for the club president to return... although it could be a few days."


    I've tried redoing it three times now, but nothing will work. Can anyone help?

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