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Posts posted by JXFirebolt

  1. Basically, it says that you need to set your NP to 100 times the inflation rate for one shop, and visit that shop. Then, if you don't see anything, go on to the next shop. Different shops have different inflation rates, so you'll have to change the NP you have on hand each time.

    Gosh you know so much. Thanks!

  2. Ugh, Charlotte! She must be VERY evil! She is the one freezing accounts for no reson at all *shakes head*


    Are you going to get another account?

    Yes. But I am still kinda upset about Neopets. Again, I hope Santa will find the kind heart to like "banish" this Charlotte from the world. Kay, I doubt it but it was still funny. Thanks for all your support guys.

  3. You're talking about the astrolabe right? I'm relatively sure you don't need it to complete the plot (the notice on the guide is a just-in-case thing). :yes:

    I mean like all of the items you get. Like the badge etc. Do I need it to complete the Plot?

  4. Poor you... I would hate to lose my account.


    Maybe Viacom is starting to randomly freeze accounts to take Neopoints out of the economy.


    By the way, the box of chocolates quote is from Forrest Gump, right?


    Haha, yes it's from Forrest Gump. Well, all I can do now is ask Santa for it. Yes, I believe in Santa. What you gonna do about it?

  5. Aww guys, thanks but right now I'm crying slightly. Apparently, this "Charlotte" person sent me an email and said I could not get it back. Thanks for all your support. Just something to note is that I wanted to make an excellent Neopets account for my brother. Previously, somebody hacked into his account and stole over 500 mil and all the rare items. I tried to cheer him up by getting another account for him, but the "TVT" (thanks to Noodle for the name) just FROZE my account without warning me. I never got a warning and they just froze me. I promise you I have never violated any rules not even in school. But that's life. Anyways, thanks for the support guys. No need for another reply. I'm going to cry myself to sleep now. :crying:

  6. Thanks guys. That helped a lot. I guess I'll try to get my account back. Wish me luck!


    You'll have to forgive TNT. They try their best, but with the millions, if not billions, of accounts they have to watch over, there will be some margin of error.


    I'd try sending in a form like Strategos said. As of right now, you may just want to play on a side account, or if you don't have one, make a new account. You may have to start from scratch, but I guess that'll just have to be the way it is.


    What did you have on your main account?


    I had pretty much all the advent calendar items since 2000, most of the jellies, (for my collection) I finished the Altador plot, had about 1.7 million neopoints on it.

    I also had four pets and __ shares of CHPS stock. I can't remember too much because I got so sad I tried to forgot about my account being frozen. I still can't get off of it. I want my account SO badly. But, that's just life. It's like a box of chocolates. You don't know what you're going to get.






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  7. I tried logging into my account in Neopets and it said my account was frozen because I was "cheating" on flash games. I did no such thing and they just froze me. Someone either hacked into my account, or the Neopets crew is evil. Can anyone help me out here?

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