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Rising Star

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Status Updates posted by Rising Star

  1. doesn't know if he'll stay on TDN. Getting bored of Neopets, guess it's time to find a new game. Might come back, might not

  2. XD we are! But I got my forever ago. What kind of laptop did you get?

  3. Yep :D I added those yesterday. I think you were offline, or asleep when I did.

  4. Yep! I finally found out how to do it XD.

    And thanks :D

  5. in high school, and loved it. I tried making a photography club, but it didn't really work out. Or else I would have taken it. There also weren't photography classes, which was a bummer for me. I do all of it on my spare time. And yes, I write but not really often. I love writing fantasy stuff, like with magic, dragons and etc. Sometimes I write scyfy stuff. I also write poetry, and tri...

  6. Thanks for leaving me a comment! :D And no problem! I love learning what peoples hobbies and goals are, that's why I read there about me XD.I love them. I always thought about working with kids, and going into that sort of stuff. I love helping out people, and listening to peoples problems. But my passion has always been writing, and photography.

    I took creative writing ...

  7. I wish I had one of those fancy ones. :D I would rather have that, then a point and shoot. But I'm happy with what I have.

  8. The Camera or the webcam? XD. I have a point and shoot camera :/ It's not techy or anything like that.

  9. XD. well I took it with my webcam :/ Didn't feel like using my camera.

  10. What's smart? XD.

    And yeah, I did it yesterday :D

  11. XD. I figured that people would do that, since I changed my name :D.

  12. XD. I know! We are buddies on alot of things XD

  13. I have a Dell laptop as well :D

  14. XD why? avatars are flipping amazing!

    XD yeah I know. I was going to put "DANCE BEAR DANCE!" Underneath it, but I didn't have room.

  15. Ooh really? That's what I got for my birthday! I'm happy for you :D

  16. XD. Good job :D Even though I was always your buddy! Everyone I talk to on the HOP boards are

  17. You are my newest buddy to XD :D So, you get an award too! -Newest buddy Award- XD

  18. Yep :D It's fine if you add me. We are HOP Buddies XD

  19. I suppose so. It just isn't really the same.

  20. Idk how long I'm going to stay on TDN, :/ Cause I'm getting bored of neopets, and yeah.

  21. Oops. I didn't mean to. I just deleted all the message, and thought I would still get the updates.

  22. I can't decide if I want to keep my pet a Koi, or turn her into a Jetsam. Good luck on the Krawk :D

  23. I also like the Jetsams as well.

  24. Really? XD. I didn't know that. I just thought they looked cool.

  25. XD yeah. one of my other friends said the same thing XD.

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