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Posts posted by Derick

  1. Hello Derick Enjoy the forum! And my fay game is keyquest as well :P

    We should play each other sometime!


    Aw, I like you already...

    Just because you said "I hope you all like me!"


    I don't know about your other forums, but I do know this is the BEST FORUM EVER!

    And just to ditto everyone else, yes we are all friendly and helpful here...

    aand also a little more than a little bit crazy

    haha thanks! Thank's why I love Neopets forums - everyone is so nice!

  2. I've been using over 50 Keys recently, and in total, I've only gotten (in terms of codestones from those 50 Keys):


    1 Mau Codestone

    3 Eo Codestones

    4 Main Codestones


    Meanwhile, all the other codestones seem to be given to me in large amounts, since I have about 15 of each of the other ones... :/

    Those are the only ones I get too.


    It sucks though cause I haven't been able to load the game for 2 days now... x.x

  3. I just watched 40 Year Old Virgin yesterday, and there is this one scene where they are just smashing a bunch of those light tubes... I am now guessing that is sorta dangerous 0_0


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  4. Yeah that is true. The Bible does contradict itself. Like I hear often that all sins are viewed as the same by God, and that all sins were forgiven by Jesus, yet at the same time, there are certain sins that are worse than the rest, and those sins can't be forgiven. Just right there are two contradictions, and when I asked my pastor about that, he was avoiding the question.


    But I want you to keep in mind that everything changed after Jesus died. Certain laws that had to be followed didn't have to be followed anymore.

    Exactly. Most of the Jewish laws were put away after Jesus died.


    I am a new Catholic. I was Evangelical Free when I was little. Then we became Lutheran, and now we are Catholic.


    Some stories in the Bible are meant to show a religious truth, not nessisarily a story that actually happened. The story of The Tower of Babel, for instance, was to show that sin spread throughout every part of the world.. The story is not meant to show how different languages came to be. A lot of the books of the old testament were written in 587 B.C. during the Babylonian exile. The stories were pasted down, and a lot of it was probably exaggerated, like when it says someone lived to be 600 years old. What the writers were trying to say was that the person was favored by God. There is a lot of symbolism in the writing.


    It also does mention that the Earth is round, because it talked about something going around the Earth, which wouldn't have been possible if the Earth was flat.

    Saying that something orbits the earth does not justify the expression "The earth is round". That just doesn't make sense.


    Like I said, many of the early OT books were written around 587 BC. At that time, the people believed that the earth was flat, so that's how they wrote it. It doesn't mean that the Bible isn't true, it's just that the writers wrote the stories based on what they knew about the earth at the time.

  5. Thank you for all the welcomes!


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  6. Hey everyone! My name is Derick. I am 16 years old and have been playing Neopets for a little over 5 years.


    I used to be a member of NeoExtreme before it closed. And even before that I was a member of Digital-Neo (R.I.P.) And now I decided to look for a new forum.


    hmmm... I little about me. I like webdesign and graphics deisgn. I have my own SITE that keeps me busy. My favorite thing on Neopets is key quest :)


    Hopefully you all will like me! :)

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