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Posts posted by ostioperosis

  1. i would most likely start in fall 2010 or i might take o couple of years off. but my school counselor is going off on me telling how i must start looking now or suffer


    okay thats cool. you should start looking so you know where you want to go when the time comes, but it still sounds like you have a lot of time so dont stress. I would try to narrow it down to 2 or 3 schools the summer before your senior year so you know where to apply to. Applications can be costly so you probably dont want to apply to more than 5 or 6 schools. I only applied to 3.


    Also, i really dont recommend taking a year or so off. It sounds like fun, and it would be, but chances are you'd never end up going back to school. Either because you never end up wanting to go back, or because no school accepts you because you havent been to school in so long.



    are you a rising junior?

  2. ok i will have to check there.

    i dont really care if i go to a non-ivy i just mostly know about them



    which term do you plan on starting- spring 2009, fall 2009?


    btw, USC also has an honors college. its the same college persay, but you take some different classes

  3. i'm going to usc (columbia, south carolina) in the fall. from what i can tell it's a pretty awesome school.


    its not ridiculously expensive, and it's not too difficult to get scholarships there. I know they offer courses for students interested in pre-med, and they have a good reputation with their history courses. The environment is awesome, the teachers (that i've met) are nice and helpful, you should check it out.


    of course its not ivy league, but its not a community college either.

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