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Posts posted by youngrace

  1. i prefer mlp tbh. (oh, does my avatar give that away? haha) korra was pretty good, but i liked the characters in the old avatar MUCH better, and i kind of can't stand korra herself ~ she acts so entitled, especially in the later eps. mlp is just more lighthearted, and the older i get, the less drama i like in my shows. :P

  2. yikes, no clue ~ unfortunately i think this is an issue only TNT can solve at this point. :( i haven't heard of any 'stache glitches on the boards, but i'll poke around and see if anyone else is having problems.

  3. hope everything gets sorted out for you hun! it's deffo annoying how slow they can be at getting accounts unfrozen, but hang in there. :) and not to mention, you can always come here for moral support ^_^

  4. lockouts usually happen (like 90% of the time) because you had too many gems on your board and your window closed. did you leave your habitarium running for a long time? if so, that may be why you're locked out. :( also the picture function is glitched now but people used to be able to take photos of their hab ~ i think it stopped working a few months ago.

  5. i think the 1 mill krawk potion is a great catch! if you're patient you can probably get 100k+ off of that one. the camouflage one might be slightly harder to sell, since it'd only be of interest to collectors (a camo pb is less than 100k), so it might take a bit of time to pawn it off


    the starry scorchio one i'm not sure about at all, but it's all a learning curve methinks...you'll deffo get the hang of it! best of luck sweetie! ^_^

  6. i think the AC is okay depending on the time of day...at night the trolls seem to multiply by 1000 (maybe because they're finally out from junior high? :P)


    i actually think the NC boards are probably the nicest, as well as the prem boards -- aka people who pay in some way for the site. i gotta admit though, i find the neoboards kinda fun sometimes, but these forums definitely take the cake. go TDN~!

  7. @ saxen: you're most likely right! i haven't been on the PC very actively for the last few months, but in march i remember seeing a few WN pirate draiks being traded out for some UC babies (i think one of them was a kougra)...but then again there were a ton of UC babies uft in march for some reason, maybe it was just a hiccup in the supply and demand. :P


    @ angel: "homeless" is a great character name, but i'm not sure it'll be the easiest name to trade because the character possibilities are somewhat limited. (although i admit it would be epic on a grey draik!) i notice that girlier names / adjectives tend to be a little bit more popular, if that helps any! saxen has quite a few lovely named pets, so i'd wait to see what she has to say about this. :)

  8. good point saxen! but aren't uc baby kougras like the lowest in the uc trading tier? i've seen even basic WN draiks go for uc babies, but maybe the values have recently changed for those.


    @ angel: if you can get a RW/RN, that would definitely be best. for those though, make sure it's a more common and shorter RW/RN as opposed to something like "Peristalsis" or "Strategizing," since words like that are HTT and have very little value. common names or short names (3 or 4 letters) would be most ideal. best of luck hun!

  9. whenever i have issues with a game, i always try to switch browsers since it occasionally makes a HUGE difference. have you tried maybe firefox? i've never had any problems with the game freezing when i was using ie or ff. also, make sure your flash is updated! sometimes that can mess things up as well. best of luck ^_^

  10. i'm pretty sure you'll get it back, but it will definitely take a while (maybe a few months?)


    i know a couple of people who were in similar situations, and they all get their accounts back eventually. richardnub is one famous bd'er who was iced for the same reason, and he got his account back after about 6 months. it'll definitely work itself out, but tnt is super slow. make sure you don't repeatedly write in requests otherwise they start paying less attention to you because they think you're spamming. best of luck! we're all here for moral support if you need us :)

  11. i used the guide, but honestly i think there isn't any rhyme or reason to it...it's really based on luck! a lot of us tried the guide at the same time, and our results were all completely different. it took me about 1.2 mill to get it. i told myself i would keep going until the avatar appeared, but man was it painful watching all that food being guzzled down.


    it's definitely worth getting your pet to 'very bloated' before going in. best of luck~!

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