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Posts posted by paulmcdermott

  1. Hi,


    I was wondering if someone can fill me in on how to increase my hit points... In the past it has been random events (faerie quest and coltran shirne) and I was wondering if there is a less random way to increase.


    Thanks in advance

  2. Hi All,


    For those of you wanting to earn extra NP, don't forget about Keyquest... I know it can be hit an miss but I just looked at my shop till and well keyquest has helped it, I have got 8 paintbrushes and now I have just got two of the expense peice of lab map ( currently in trades). So that is about 1 million I have got from Keyquest (thats extra NP simply for fun spending). I must admit I do actually enjoy playing the game so playing around 240 games over the past weeks has not bugged me. But for newbies who have the internet connection speed maybe try keyquest



  3. Last night , my time, 3am NST, I had to wait 15 minutes before someone joined my game .... And I looked around at that time for a game to join and nothing.... and also quick games just had me sitting in a room by my self.... I think everyone is at tha altdor cup :crying: I just wanted a couple of games in Keyquest land ( I have rename codestone land )


    Best of luck to all the altdor teams :)

  4. I have found YYB - pink funhouse cd. for SS I like the twilight score ( not the sound track) nice and calm and make the time go a lot quicker.....


    However I am sure that if you were deadly keen, try and find some bio-rthmnic and alpha/beta brain wave cd's that can actually alter the way the biomechanics of your brain and body work...


    I have one of these for studying purposes ( and I have a current GPA of the equivalent of 4.0)

  5. I hope someone can help ( or suggest what I can do)


    I have won 5 YYB games ( all 1 goal to zero)

    have drawn 2


    SS - 184 games - of which at least 30 scored above 300


    MSN - 84 - at least 75 above 3000 score


    SSB - 120 games all with atleast one goal scored...


    Now I may have the maths wrong but


    based on the number of games you need to play to rank up


    50 YYB wins to rank up

    150 YYB draws to rank up

    100 SS wins to rank up

    150 MSN wins to rank up

    600 SSD win to rank up


    I have worked out the below


    5/50 (5/50)

    2/150 (less than 1/50)

    30/100 (15/50)

    75/150 (25/50)

    120/600 (10/50)


    Which works out as 55/50 hence I should have ranked up from beginner to level 1. I have refreshed heaps of time and still no rank up


    have i got something wrong, or can some help or has anyone had the same problems ?????




    Thanks for all your helps.. it was a misclacution with MSN required numbers...thanks heaps superfly




    Update 7/6/09


    I finally ranked up :)


    Just played SSD until I ranked up....


    Thanks again for all your helps

  6. I know this is a little serious, but if these people are honestly pushing them selves like you mentioned they may actually have an addiction and may require help. I used to work with IT people and I have seen people get quite sick and need professional help with addictions to other online games ( those role playing ones)...


    but around these part I have often found people exaggrate about how hard they push themselves to big note themselves


    I often think people need some perspective , go outside, get some fresh air and sunshine and interact with someone in real life...


    However as said earlier I think a lot of this may be simple one up man ship - ie I did more for the team and it cost me more personally than you....


    And last night my right hand fell off , i learned to use the mouse with my foot, I quit my jobs, resfused to go to hospital with swine flu and I still managed to play 100 ss games.... what did you do *jj - actually my left hand fell off* :)

  7. Has anyone made it to rank 1, by any means, I am just wondering how many side games I may need, last years from memory it was around 100 - 150 to get to the next rank. if anyone has made rank 1 could you let me know (if you don't mind) :)

  8. I am no good at yooball, I have treid and tried but no luck, I am wondering if I keep trying and losing does it hurt my team ?


    Should I just concenterate on the other 3 games which I am quite good at and get good score at easily ???


    Any advice would be appreciated as I would hate to do something to disadvantage my team



  9. Thanks so much for the pics. I wish they would not do pink clothes for my kougra - he is orange/red and it just clashes soooo bad.


    (I know I could change his colour, but I just don't like the other ones as much)

  10. After months of not being able to get onto Keyquest in the last coule of days I have been able to , I have scored lots of codestones including 3 red, but also two paintbrushes snow and tyrannian and one puzzle piece,. All the prizes from 2 player 5 keys win (gold keys). I have also found that the type of prizes seemed to be clumped ie, I got the two paintbrushes by claiming one key and then refreshing the broswer :)


    It annoys me when you are just about to win and the other player gts disconnected :(

  11. HI All,


    I have played with my neopet on and off for the last 7 1/2 years and have about 5000 items in my SBD. I am wondering if I should do a massive sale or keep collecting?


    Is their something that I can then by with the money ?

  12. This happened to me about a month ago ( never happened before in 5 years) what I had to do was clear all my cookies, unplug my modem and change my IP address ( through full system restart), you may wish to try this.


    I am currently able to access neopets with no problem.


    All the best

  13. I would like to introduce myself, my pets name is paulmcdermott and he is 6 years old ( I however am much older - its never polite to ask a girl her age ^_^ ), I have recently re-discovered neopets (after about 2 years of line due to postgrad studies and full time work. On my resdiscovery of neopets I have found this forum and TDN very very useful. Hence I thought it was about time to pop on.


    For all you other newbies out there I have found the dailies do's on TDN to be extermely helpful ( and lucurtative) also the AC help and of course the games help is indispensable ( i still remember placing destro-match (the original).


    Thanks to all those who put the effort in and I look forward to adding the small bits of info I have when I can.


    Greetings from Down Under.

  14. I sympathise with you, I to truely suck at YYB, after 7 days of practice, my win loss ration is terrible in fact 0 wins, 350 losses, hence I have decieded to cut my losses and concentrated on SS and MSN.


    I have found that you need to get results at SS over about 125 :graduated: ( have not found the exact number, but I will) also MSN I usually score over 4000, and while doing this the TDN points counters seems to work great.


    I have already made it to level 1 on just SS and MSN ( 166 and 81) One the way to level 2...

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