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Posts posted by Fluoro

  1. Thanks for all the informative replies, it's really helped :) I've decided that I'm going to go ahead and keep saving for the SLM, and maybe if I take my time and buy piece by piece I might get lucky in an RE or Tarla event. Even if I don't, by the sounds of it, buying pieces separately will save me some money.


    The main reason I'm going to save for it is the Battledome, I think - I'm too lazy/forgetful to train my pets, and always regret it when a war comes around. Who knows, it might even get me some dream or avatar pets.


    Thanks for the helpful input, everyone - and apologies for bumping a 3-day-old topic!

  2. Wow... guess you could add me to the list of people who didn't know Adam and Donna left the site *blushes at own ignorance* As has already been mentioned, it's really encouraging to hear that you and Donna are still working on stuff together, and the website looks great!


    I don't usually play games such as these, but I'm gonna bookmark and keep my eye on it ^_^

  3. I've been saving for quite a while for the Secret Laboratory Map pieces, although it's quite frustrating when the price seems to fluctuate so often :eh: The average price looks to be about 1 million, but I've heard that if you buy the pieces individually you can find some neat bargains and save money :) I've asked many times on the neoboards, and the responses have varied. So I decided to come out of lurking and ask those who have bought the lab ray recently.


    Something else that I found while asking people was that not such a long time ago, the map cost between 500k-700k. Do you think that this price was too cheap for the pieces, considering their rarity, or do you think that the lab ray is overrated or inflated? :O

  4. Hey there! I'm Fiona and I'm 14 :) I live in Ireland, and if I didn't have summer holidays I would be at school :P My username on neopets is fluorescency, add me as a friend if you wish! I like reading, writing, neopets, indie music and panel shows, and I'm currently addicted to the new series of Big Brother UK.


    I guess that's about it... yes, I am terrible at introducing myself. Now I must finish reading the FAQ. The forums seem like a friendly group and I look forward to meeting everyone at TDN! (Well, not everyone. That would be impractical.)

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