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Dae Lærke

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Posts posted by Dae Lærke

  1. It's your team image. The only roo-islanders I usually see are cocky ones. Every other team is usually happy, proud, and enthusiastic about winning for their team. RI just sits on their high-throne.


    Edit: And wow, this topic moved fast, when I was replying, this topic was on only two pages.


    I don't think I've ever really seen a cocky Rooligan. Most I know frown upon acting like that.


    I do see a lot of cocky Shenkuu players, but I suppose it just depends on luck who you end up speaking to from each team. Which is why I'm never quick to judge other teams.

  2. Yes each team is different in its own unique way

    you must change your strategy every day


    I wouldn't say that, so much. I didn't change anything in my strategy from Shenkuu to Kreludor. It's most just figuring one which member is most annoying, and how to get out of their way. The problem with Virtupets was their goalie was annoying. XD


    DC is pretty easy. The only member who really bothers me is their Hissi, which I kinda expected.



    Anyway, good luck everyone in today's matches. Even you DCers. =) I'll be secretly cheering for you, even though we're against each other (and yet also for Roo. How does this work? I care little who wins, I'm in it for the fun. -shifty eyes-) (my Darigan-playing boyfriend is out of town, and sad he couldn't have played Roo today. I figured the least I could do is show some DC support, is why.)



    And, finally, I don't understand all this anti-Roo sediment. Please, just because some members of our team are being cocky doesn't mean everyone need to be mean about it. Plenty of other teams have cocky players, too. -_- (And, yes, I would still be saying this even if I was on Faerieland. =P I just don't like people being needlessly rude.)

  3. Ogrins, hands down. I just love their overall look. Spunky, yet cute. I adore Island ones, especially, and when I'm done saving to 15 mil I'm buying a brush for my own Ogrin.


    I also love Xweetoks, Rukis, Grundos and Blumaroos.


    Including specific colored pets, I love Mutant Korbats, Royal Boy Darigan Peophins, and Royal Girl Faerie Draiks (without the weird head-thing), Mallow Grundos, and Desert Rukis.

  4. sorry dae_rodion :guiltysmiley:


    virtupets have a very hard defence


    No need to apologize. I'm just saying it's too early to be so assured of our win, and we need to keep working hard if we want first this year. =)


    They do have pretty hard defense. That Grundo is constantly on you (and if it's not the Grundo, it's the Xwee), and the goalie's pretty quick. Probably because he's a robot. Darn robots.

  5. i support rood island ^_^

    and we're really doing good so far

    we domolished shankue(or however you spell it)

    and our player is ranked 1st for most goals per game scored.

    we have it in the bag b)


    No, no, no fellow Rooligan. An attitude like that--saying we have it in the bag--isn't the way we should be looking at this game. It's only the third game today. We need to work just as hard as we would to win as we would work if we had lost the past two days.


    Being positive is a good thing, but it's still anyone's game, and it's no time to be rest on our laurels by saying we'll win for sure.

  6. I guess you were talking in a different context, but for the record, Rooligans are cool. :yes: They have an excellent, jovial, truly sporting attitude towards the AC, and bashing other teams is virtually non-existent among their ranks. Now if that doesn't make a team cool, I don't know what does.


    I meant from a perspective that doesn't include the fans. There are plenty of people who join teams without looking into the type of players it attracts (especially because the neoboards are horrifying), just what the world features in game, and the like.


    That being said, I'm a Rooligan myself and I adore the way most of our players act. If we were judging by player attitude alone, I would say Roo would win. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a Rooligan--this is my first year and the attitude of the team was one of the reasons I joined. =)

  7. Ooh, have you read Killing Yourself to Live? For me, it started off great but it became way too much about the author himself after a while.


    Yup, I have. With Klosterman, I've come to accept no matter what he writes, it will devolve into an essay about his life. He gets personal with everything. Reading his essays and books, I can probably tell you more about his private life than I can my good friends'. I know Klosterman's one ex likes Coldplay, but I couldn't pick any of my friends' ex-girlfriends out of a small crowd, much less tell you what type of music they listen to. Which, come to think of it, is kind of sad, but the man puts it out there... even when it doesn't really make sense in the context of anything.


    Truthfully, I just enjoy his tone. I don't really care what he's saying half the time. I just like how he says it.

  8. I'm under the impression it's number of wins because even while doing a lot better today than yesterday, my rank went up with 50 wins.


    That being said, Yooyuball is the one thing I am good at on Neopets. XD Well, that and RSing... Haha. Anyway, during the practice rounds I average a 4-0 at first, then managed to even at out to a 6-0. By last night, I was up to getting 8-0s, and 9-0s, and now I've managed to get at least 10-0 every game, with 14-0 being my highest score thus far. The only time this changes, is when I have more than one Darigan Yooyuball during play. I still have trouble with them.


    Personally, I play left-to-right, with a 3+1 set-up. That way I have one proactive member (Lilo, normally), two to grab the ball quick if the other team gets it or go for the goal if Lilo gets blocked too badly/pushed out of the way, and one last line of defense if they get past my other two guys.


    That being said, I get progressively worse at SS. I suck epically at that game.

  9. As of now, I think it's anyone's game. It's probably safe to teams like Faerieland are out, but with only one game played, you never know what can happen. Maybe the Neopian Gods are smiling on the underdog this year.


    It's silly to try to pin a label on a team because of their previous win record. I do think DC will have a bit of a noob problem, but that doesn't mean they won't make it to the finals. In much the same way, I think teams with "paint brush potential" will also have some noob issues (because everyone wants a Pirate/Island/Shenkuu PB! Even though Shenkuu PBs don't exist!), but that's not necessarily an instant death wish. Just being someone is a noob, doesn't mean they can't play Yooyuball, after all.


    Look at DC overall. They're the type of team that, even before winning last year, attracts noobs, with their dark imagery and tough attitude, but in the end they still did win. Roo Island will probably have less of a noob problem because they're not a visually or overall attractive type of team. In the words of my friend today, "What the heck does Roo Island have? Dice? Who cares?", which can really work for them in terms of who they will and will not attract. So they won second last year? Doesn't mean they're cool. Of course, there will still be people who join because they did win second.


    In the end, though, none of that means anything until we see how well the teams preform in more than just one match.

  10. I know I'm happy. I know a lot of other Roo players were saying our first match against Shenkuu was going to probably determine a lot for us, although I can't say I'm too surprised, since I think it was pretty much anyone's game. I wouldn't have been surprised had Shenkuu won, either.


    Good luck today, everyone. =)

  11. Hahah, I hate that Skeith too! The big thing just stands in front of me and wont move even when I don't have the ball.


    I don't know how people would get a hundred wins in one day... thats 300 minutes, 5 hours of yooyuball. They need more hobbies :yes:


    So, I'm not at 100 yet, but I am close (need to update my sig), and while I can't vouch for everyone, I can say this: being unemployed helps. A lot. XD


    Plus this is my last week off before I am once more employed, and I have nothing to do with my time until past noon, and I enjoy the game, so I have no shame in spending so many hours playing Yooyuball.

  12. Voted for other because horror wasn't on the list!


    Right now, I am really, really into war fantasy. Mostly books revolving around the Warhammer 40k games. I'm love the mythos of the game, and even if the books aren't great, they're a fun read. Which is strange because I normally despise more realistic war-novels. I guess the moment you throw in Tech Priests, Orks, and Necrons, the world is a better place. Er... not really, but... yeah. =P


    My favorite authors are Stephen King, Vladimir Nabokov, HP Lovecraft, Clive Barker, and Neil Gaiman--so there's a mix of "literature", horror, and scifi/fantasy (although leaning more toward horror), which are probably my main genres, although, again, I read basically everything.


    ... although, as much as I love horror, DO NOT get me started on trashy serial horror novels that get published. Horror has such a bad name because of all the crap that gets published under the genre, and it drives me nuts.


    Right now I'm reading The Girl In the Tangerine Scarf for a class I'm taking come August. It's about a Muslim girl growing up in the US... so far, I'm loving it--almost done and I just got it yesterday. Although I suppose the four hour bus ride I took yesterday contributed to that.


    And nonfiction? I read a bit of that, too. Mostly pop-culture essays and "trendy" authors like Dave Eggars, and Chuck Klosterman. I like their style. I can't help it. Even though if I ever actually met Chuck Klosterman in real life and had a conversation with him, I would probably have the overwhelming urge to punch him.

  13. There are tons of Shenkuu supporters. I, however, am not one of them. However, I am only against them because my own team is up against them today. =P The only team I am actively against is DC because that's my boyfriend's team, and I want gloating rights. He cannot have them. -shifty eyes-


    Speaking of Shenkuu, is anyone else slightly disturbed by the fact their Grundo has a fu manchu? Like, seriously, I am down with fu manchus for the most part, but some people... er... things just shouldn't sport them. Like Grundos. It freaks me out, a little, in a humorous way.


    That being said, I'm a Roo girl, myself. I think there's at least one other of us Rooligans on the boards, although I'm not sure. -prods Roo supporters out of hiding-

  14. I got it for 49 games, also, although I played MSN and SS twice each, so I can't firmly say if they contribute or not.


    That being said, they count toward your overall score, do they not? I don't see why they wouldn't factor in with the avatar, assuming the avatar goes by score and not simply yooyuball games. That way people who can't play yooyuball would have a chance at it, no?

  15. In America it is mostly like this:


    School starts mid/late August or early September. During winter there is normally a winter break coinciding until Christmas. Most schools I know have it for about ten days--basically a week plus weekends. Semesters do not have to end at the end of each break, some schools do, some don't--my high school didn't, and we didn't have semesters or terms or anything in the lower grades. Around Easter there is then a ten(ish) day spring break, and then in late May to mid-June people get out for the end of the school year for about two months off.


    It differs with private schools (especially ones where winter and spring breaks aren't based around Christian holidays, ie. Jewish schools, and the like), and with different sections of America. College is pretty different, as well.

  16. School doesn't end until the eighteenth around here. Exams at the high school start in two (?) days, and graduation is the nineteenth, I believe.


    Although, I'm not in school any longer... I have friends who are, though.


    I'm actually dreading this summer. I would kill to have it be earlier in the school year again. Come August, I'll be thrown into college (ahem, couldn't afford it until now), and my boyfriend will be living an hour away.


    Which is going to suck. A lot.


    The only good thing about this summer is I'll finally have a steady job again after getting let go last June from my old job.

  17. Dae Lærke is the name I use both online and in real life. Dae is short for Danielle (DAniellE), my birth name, while Lærke is Danish for lark and was taken after I began studying the old religion of my ancestors. I'm actually German, not Danish, in descent, but the Norse and Germanic gods were nearly the same, and most of the preserved stories were written by an Icelander, and Iceland was settled by Vikings.


    My Neopets username, dae_rodion, is taken from Dae Lærke Rodion, the whole name people know me by and the name I had run my fledgling web design business under (which was cut short due to losing my entire portfolio in a computer explosion. Long story.) Rodion is the first name of the main character in Crime and Punishment. It's Russian, apparently taken from a Russianized name in the Bible, meaning "hero's song."

  18. I was always under the impression faeries were supposed to have a youthful agelessness. -shrug-


    That being said, while they're wearing short dresses, there is nothing sexual about them, in much the same way there can be nothing sexual or even inappropriate about a naked body. In much the same way naked bodies can just be art, these are just cute characters in an online game who happen to wear short dresses.


    That being said, I am extremely conservative about things, and I see no problem. That should say something. =P

  19. I have a DS. Love it to death. It was between that or a PSP, but Playstation hasn't been putting out anymore, so I'm transfered my love (sorry Sony.) My DS is pink, and I've been meaning to but this adorable Yoshi case for it, but I'm between jobs and need to worry about food more. XD


    Plus, the DS has Pokemon.


    I don't have any particular favorite games, although I did enjoy the Castlevania games, and the like. I have a hard time with some games because I'm left-handed, though, which sucks. Using the arrow keys and the stylus just doesn't work at the same time. XD


    Has anyone played The World Ends With You? Ever since Penny Arcade mentioned it in one of their Podcasts I've been dying to buy it. Can't find it anywhere, though.

  20. My given name is Danielle Jaclyn. Named after the romance writer, Danielle Steel, and some model-girl. I wish I was joking, but my mother is kind of a ditz. My first name's actual meaning has something to do with the Christian God, so I suppose it makes sense why I never use it. I hate it so.


    My last name is an offense word for "German", spelled wrong. My people were German farmers. Some of them still are. We're very Deutsch, although I'm the only one who's very blonde. I'm very recessive, if you would. So recessive, in fact, my German blood recessed me all the way back into following the old religion of my people. =P


    Everyone calls me Dae (DAniellE), pronounced "Day", however, and Lærke is a taken name, in much the same way Christians take a Saint's name. It's Danish for "lark". I choose a Danish name instead of German because most of the stories preserved were the Viking's versions, not the Germanic version. I take what I can get, though. The reason you get a description of that name, too, is because it's more my name than my given one.

  21. I'm a Roo Island supporter, completely.


    I never used to be a Roo fan, but then I started my gallery, which ended up evolving into being a Roo Island gallery, and inevitably I fell in love with the Blumaroos (even though I used to be completely apathetic to their existence, preferring Ogrins.) My boyfriend even gave me his Blumaroo-zapped-Moehog to turn back into a Blumaroo and keep for myself. =D


    So, yup, I'm a Roo fan, completely.


    If not Roo, I would be joining Lost Desert, probably, though.

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