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Posts posted by Iphacles

  1. yeah tip for a spide, have a Leaf shield.

    It will take away most of his damage


    And penguin i recommend fighting him more than once, points on this will matter as well?


    I agree I just did 50 battles against the spider and using the leaf shield the max damage the spider did to me on one turn was 12. On average I'd say he was doing 0-2 damage. Basically, if you have leaf shield equipped you could fight this guy forever.

  2. I think the secret is that maybe TOW plot might continue? later on maybe lol. Nepoopsies if the prizes are suppose to be realesed soon IT better bee soon. ANDD GOOD thinggg TDN is back! hehehe, i thought it was just my comptuer at first that wasnt able to get in but yeah lol. Hmmm i wonder if its the same person who hacked TDN last time :eh:


    Glad tdn forums are back sucks that there are people out there that wanna ruin stuff that other people have clearly worked very hard on. Thank the netgods for backups. :D

  3. I use the stock market as my primary source of income. I started off playing games till I had about 100-200k then I started investing in the stock market and now I don't even play games anymore other then the odd ones that I really enjoy. My portfolio is now worth about 3.5 million neopoints and generates a decent profit every month.


    My approach is to buy 1000 shares of any and all stocks that are at 15 neopoints a share (the lowest a share can be purchased at) and to sell stocks at 45 neopoints a share which is 200% profit. Some people have a lower selling point and others higher I sometimes sell a little lower when I know a stock doesn't usually go that high. You can check the neodaq website for detailed info on previous stock highs and lows averages as well as a stock grading system so that if you want you can just invest in "good" stocks.

  4. I have been in Driver's Ed. for the past couple of weeks. I got my permit last week, and I just got back from driving with a teacher. I was so scared that I was going to get in an accident, but I'm glad I didn't. Now, I have go go again for another hour tomorrow. I just realized, I do not like to drive.


    It gets easier the more you do it just like anything else. Eventually, your confidence will grow and you will start to enjoy it. I used to hate it as well and now I really enjoy the freedom to go anywhere when you want.

  5. I like AP for a new reason, DAILY PRIZES!!!!! And that beautiful Finneus avatar.


    I thought the The Tale of Woe was a little bit of a let down... it was kinda boring. I thought the Altador Plot was (like others have said) a little repetitive. Still I found the Altador Plot more rewarding...maybe I will find the ToW more rewarding once they release the prizes. :D As for the Cydroke I didn't even do it...I didn't know it was a plot.

  6. I have 141 avatars currently (counting the two new AC ones handed out tonight).


    Unfortunately - I can get good at the Neopets games, but not enough to fulfill the avatar requirement. Also, I'm busy saving to get the Secret Lab Map to help me with the special pet ones... :sad01_anim:


    However, this new Avatar Lending program is encouraging!


    I've got 168 avy's and 3 sidebars booyah...almost all my avy's are clickabe ones heh. The one I want most is the zafara rogue but I don't feel like wasting all those neopoints for it. :sad01_anim:

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