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Posts posted by ffchild

  1. I hate to say this, but I agree - TNT really doesn't pay attention.


    For example, my guildmates and I were talking about our "anime crushes", and I got a warning because apparently you're not supposed to talk about love interests. I can completely understand why they set up that rule, but I was annoyed because 1) my guildmate who was also talking about it did not even get a warning, and she had the word "crush" in her post twice and 2) I didn't know imaginary people counted with this rule.


    sigh* but yeah, I agree with you, it wasn't fair for them to give you a warning because I don't see anything rude or threatening about the message you sent O.o

  2. Lol congrats!!! I love it when that happens!! Something similar happened to me - I left neopets for about 4 years, came back, checked my stocks, and one of them went up by about 2000% >< That was pretty much the only time anything fortunate happened to me on neopets. :P

  3. I kinda think it's not fair. The only place in the US I know to still start after Labor Day and end in June is my own state, Oregon - and probably Washington, too. I hear the North still keeps the old format. But I know a few in the North, such as in Michigan, who start and end in the new way. Is the North converting? Or is the South more populated?


    I'm jealous of everyone out of school already. One kid even thinks I get out of school "late" and thinks it's sad. I think it's sad THEY have to go back when it is still SUMMER and Labor Day is a three day weekend with homework!


    The entire country used to start after Labor Day, why did the country suddenly change the school year times? And when was the law changed? Why did they come up with something so stupid? I personally can't imagine nor want to be in a classroom with homework in the middle of August.


    You know I've always asked that same question. Just like you, I've started school after Labor Day and ended in June all my life. It seems to me that in my area (which is north), most city schools follow that schedule and most suburban schools follow the august/may schedule. Don't be angry about it, while they're working their butts off studying in August, we still get to chill and enjoy the weather xD



    Summer vacation was originally put in place so kids could help their parents on their farms. That particular period- June to September- syncs up with the most demanding time on a farm. It's different in the north and the south due to slightly different planting seasons, different crops and weather and all that. Seeing a students no longer need to hlep on farms, they've been slowly changing the timing of the school year, and I know some want to remove summer vacation all together.


    Oh wow, I never knew that! That actually makes a lot of sense, thanks for explaining :P

  4. I agree with you. For me, the third book just kind of seemed like Suzanne Collins needed to find any sort of ending. I did like the trilogy as a whole, though.


    I'm currently reading The Dubliners by James Joyce, and The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien. The Joyce book is a collection of short stories, so it's not hard to read the two side by side. C=


    Yeah, I felt the same way, it did seem rushed =/ But I really didn't like how

    : Finnick and Prim had to die >.< I was so angry!! :(

  5. Not bad for my first cookie faerie quest ever:





    Oh, please. A Petpet could have found this faster than you. Still, I suppose you want a reward...



    For your efforts, Praniox3x3x3's health has increased!


    And then an Earth Faerie increased my defense! :)




    Good work! Wasn't this so much more fun than helping a Dark Faerie? I thought so!


    For your efforts, Praniox3x3x3's defence has increased!

  6. I just finished reading the Hunger Games trilogy. I was very pleased with the first and second books, but the third but was not as great =/


    As for fanfiction, I'm currently reading Future Talk by Graphospasm (which is a Yu Yu Hakusho fanfiction), but she's has not updated for a long time =/

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