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Status Updates posted by rachiee

  1. Two assignments down, two to go. I feel like I've actually accomplished something for the first time in a while. <3

  2. ugh i hate being so tired that i fall asleep in jeans + a t-shirt :S

  3. Well, the thing is I don't really know who I consider to be my friend (online) and who I don't. :/

  4. welp I'm officially on an indefinite hiatus at the other forum and I can only say that going on hiatus there is one of the best decisions I've ever made :3

  5. What kind of nostalgia? o:

  6. who knew that when you try and draw a Zafara it can start to look like a Tuskaninny?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rachiee


      How is that even possible? XD

    3. khaos
    4. khaos


      It gets so many erasings and re-drawings it starts to look like a mutant kau's mouth. I might end up mixing the two O.O

  7. wishes it was summer again.

  8. wow, looking at all these summer assignments I have to do is just making me feel even lazier :(

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. khaos


      Open up your graphics stand already. :P

    3. rachiee


      If I open it up I'll probably make it live on Monday (I'll be on vacation tomorrow and Sunday with limited internet access)

    4. khaos
  9. Yaaay. :D Well, who else did you think it was?

  10. yeah kind of, definitely and of course

  11. Yeah! That was because I was absent from here for like, a year and a half :P

  12. you are awesome. c:

  13. You'd do that just for me? O:

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