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Posts posted by TheCookieDragon

  1. Wow. I came in third. Dude. -blinkblink- I actually won something. You'll have to excuse me, 'cause that doesn't happen very often. Anyway, I'm back from my hiatus. I got distracted by real life and the installation of a cable modem. Woot for the 6Mb/s speed! Oh yeah, and thank you to everyone who voted for me! Congrats, Xepha & Lolli!

  2. OMG, the slowness. I liked the old setup better. And has anyone noticed the weirdness of one black-header and the rest blue? It's like that everywhere on the site! The first little box has a black header, and the rest have blue. I fixed it on my lookup, 'cause it bugged me to no end.



  3. Yeah, I have the suckiest 56k dial-up ever. I tried restocking several times, but the pages took so long to load, the items were all gone by time I could see what was in the shops. >.<;;;; I only got to successfully restock for a month, while I was visiting my mother and grandparents in TN. They have kick-butt DSL speeds. Oh, yeah. It was great while it lasted.



  4. Yeah, it sickened my pet right after I'd just spent most of NP on a PB and a Snowbunny. >.<;;; I stopped playing it after I found out the cure costs over 100k, 'cause that just isn't worth it when I have to spend a half hour loading it to begin with. I got the Neocash ONCE, around when the Expellibox was first released. After that, I think the best I got was 100 NP. And yes, 150 NC is the standard amount. I've never heard of anyone getting any different amount. (If anyone has, please post!)



  5. The Lutari's been out for a while, exclusively on Neopets Mobile. I think it's about time they step it up a bit, like making it available on its day. A few of the neopets are like that, and it seems pretty cool; you know, rare, but not so out there as to be next to impossible to get. *mutters about krawks being waaay too expensive*

  6. Really, I haven't forgotten about the forum! I've just been busy with life. My two little ones just had birthdays back-to-back (they're exactly 364 days apart, how fun is that? O.O;;;) and I'm trying to get a sci-fi/fantasy rpg up and running, which is so much more involved than I thought. Anyway, I'll probably be gone for a few more days other than brief visits (I may post, may just read) but I'll be back soon. Toodles!



  7. Stamps would be nice. They sell for a tidy profit, that's for sure! I bet a lot of people didn't manage to complete all the games, if they even tried for it, so the uber prizes containing stamps would make them really rare (compared to the number of collectors), so yeah! Profit! But alas, probably no stamps. ;_;

  8. 1. Are you male, female, or an it? All of the above.

    2. What is your favorite color? Ultraviolet

    3. What is your favorite food? Cardboard (Mmm, fibery.)

    4. Occupation? Imp

    5. Where in the world do you live? (ie: USA, Japan, Canada...) Lala Land

    6. Do you have hobbies? What are they? Hobbies, obviously.

    7. Are or aren't you vegetarian? The cows fear me.

    8. Are you religious? **Don't have to answer if you don't want** I'm religiously me.

    9. What are you wearing right now? More than a nudist colonist, less than an eskimo.

    10. Are you bored of this quiz now? I'm always bored.

    11. Will you keep going? And going and going and...

    12. What is your favorite baby girl name? Inagrid Waferen Ulita Morena Rochelle Trevanca Puito Farina Jacobini Marchella Nuevis Orono Yuriko Gigi LaSquela Nerf.

    13. What is your favorite baby boy name? Bob

    14. Do you plan on getting married? (if you are, just say it) it

    15. Who do you liiiiike? (C'mon, you KNOW you wanna tell!) Like? No one. Dislike little enough not to bite? A good portion of the population. (Don't worry, everyone here is safe. And besides, I've had my shots...)

    16. What was your best birthday ever? The day of my BIRTH, maybe?

    17. What was the worst thing that ever happened to you? To me or because of me?

    18. Are you proud of yourself? Pride cometh before a fall. *whoops!* I'm okay!

    19. We're almost done! Are you happy? I'm always happy! No, wait, that was the other chick.

    20. All done! Are you absolutely bored to tears? Boredom doesn't make me cry, but it makes my leprechaun jumpy. ^_^

  9. Neopets has practically become spamalicious with all its ads, so I think you're right, they just want to sqeeze it dry. Which is sad.


    Also, @Sky Shadow, dual-booting requires a technical knowledge I do not (yet) possess. Might you direct me to a site that can explain it?

  10. I think you leapt from 'hopelessly optimistic' to 'delusional' somewhere in there... Hopefully there will be a sidebar. I like seeing my sidebar count on my lookup go up. ^_^

  11. Okay, here's how the game goes: I will start with a word. Any word in the English language (or commonly known foreign words, like oui, or ciao, or amigo... you get the idea) and the last letter of that word will start the next word. So if I post 'love' you could post 'enough' and the next person could post 'hula' and on and on and on. This thread ends when no one can come up with a word beginning with the ending letter of the last post. *Note: In the case of two people posting on the same word at the same time, always go with the LAST post. Even if your word for the one before it really really rocks.*


    Okay! Let's get started. The first word is:



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