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Posts posted by Certifiable

  1. Yes. It is our IP address. I can log in using a wireless connection on my laptop because it's a different IP address but I can't use my regular computer. I also heard another user say that they called their service provider and they were able to change their IP address on their connection and they were able to get into neopets. I wrote neopets but I'm sure they're aware of the problem anyway. I'm just hoping they fix it soon. This is ridiculous. If you can get a different IP address from your ISP, you may be able to get in. It's a lot of trouble though and not guaranteed.

  2. Yes. I'm very frustrated! I have neopets premium too and I'm kinda addicted. I just bought a poogle mp 2 days ago and I can't even see my new poogle. I think I'm going thru withdrawals.


    Btw, nice to meet you! :D

  3. Oh Missy, Missy. Loc knows of what he speaks, but he does not know how to fix it. Ask him if he's been able to log on today. He can't either. I love him tho! And if he did have the answer, he would most definitely help all he could. And i wouldn't put it past him to figure it out shortly so don't give up. :yes:

  4. Thanks Xepha!


    Yes, I can spy on Loc, but I know all of his passwords anyway so it wasn't so hard before. It feels funny calling him Loc since, of course, that's not his name. I'll bet you're surprised I didn't really name my son Doc Loc. :laughingsmiley:


    And if you want to know anything about him, I can tell plenty of embarassing tidbits about him. So he better be nice to me.

  5. Hi everyone!! I'm new here but I'm not new to Neopets. I finally registered here because Doc Loc keeps hounding me about it. <_< I'd been putting it off only because of lack of extra time. Not because I didn't want to be a part of TDN. He keeps me updated on everything going on here so I'm kinda spoiled and lazy about reading the latest news. We have our computers next to each other and are usually on Neopets A LOT together. He's my son. Yes, I'm old. He'll tell you otherwise because he's a good son. Either that, or he's sucking up because he wants something. :whistle:


    Anyway, it's nice to be here!! I look forward to meeting y'all.

  6. I followed my heart and voted for the person with the most potential as a true leader that will change the world and make it a better place to live in. :crying:


    Seriously, I voted for the most helpful person who's always willing to give his time to assist others. I may be new here, but I've been around a while and I know I'm right! :yes:

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