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Posts posted by Ithil

  1. Here are some of my lab pets ready to be adopted.

    They come with their clothes (currently on my main). Neomail me to set the transfer please.




    Species: Christmas Bori

    Status: UFT

    Requirement: None, I just want to offer it to somebody

    Contact: tikmi



    Name: Kanvel

    Species: Speckled Usul

    Status: UFT

    Requirement: None, I just want to offer it to somebody

    Contact: tikmi

  2. I hope that helps. ;) That's an interesting looking scooter too...


    Sure it helps! Thank you very much!


    The Darkness Faerie says 'Wow, thanks, you found my Super Duper Scooter!'

    The Darkness Faerie laughs evilly and Orvitius has more hit points!


  3. I got the plushie tycoon avatar this morning, yeah!


    Also, just now for Math's Nightmare! Played it a lot over the past month, and made it into the top 50 easy tonight.


    *is jealous* :P

    This avatar is so cute, I need to practice to get it. I'm always bumped out the top 50 every time I try *sigh*

  4. Finally managed to complete all the games. :) I was pretty disappointed to see such high score in Super Hasee Bounce and Barf Boat (my previous score in barf boat was 15!!!). It's always helpful to take a look to the TDN guides when you don't know how to play :)

  5. Congrats, I hope to get the avy this month as well. :)

    It was my first time playing plushie tycoon and went bankrupt after 2 weeks :P But I restarted a game and was more careful so I managed to end with 65k. I do it mostly for the avatar but I can start a new game to get a trophy maybe later. I don't think I'm good at this though :P

  6. Does anyone have a good solution on how to get the gears? Because I can't find them! :angry: and that means there's a lot of stuff I can't build :/


    Same here, I haven't seen any gears since the release of Moltara. It seems it's based on pure luck, so we need to be patient and try again and again *sigh*

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