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Posts posted by siemis

  1. Heyho ^^


    So I was browsing threw neopets and saw a Darigan Uni - not that special but then I thought it looks kind of strange compared to the new Unis so I thought it was UC and I checked:


    4.png thats a normal Darigan Uni


    uni_darigan_baby.gif thats an UC Darigan Uni


    2.pngand thats the Uni I saw



    So I was wondering why does this Uni look the way it does? Could it be the user changed the image of his normal Draigan Uni with one he drew? (which looks better if you ask me ^^")

    And if he did is it against the rules?

  2. This actually occurs pretty commonly these days (unfortunately). This email is sent automatically by Neopets when you use the site's forgotten password function, so all a user would have to know to trigger it would be your username or email address. They could then enter this into the forgotten password form, generally in a rather pointless attempt to steal your account. As long as they don't actually have access to your email address, there's really no threat.


    If your Neopets/email password is weak or hasn't been changed in a long time, I'd change it just in case (you should be changing it regularly anyway). Otherwise these messages can be safely ignored. :)



    I did change my email pw to be safe =D


    thanks a lot for your help ^____^

  3. Hey^^


    I got an email from neopets:



    A request was made to retrieve the usernames associated with this email address. Since you asked so nicely, here they are:

    Username: schattenpflanze


    Username: fyonan


    You can use any one of the these usernames to log in to Neopets here:


    See you in Neopia!

    The Neopets Team

    This e-mail was sent by NeoPets, Inc., P.O. Box 10263, Glendale, California 91204. NEOPETS, and all characters, logos, names, and related indicia, are trademarks of NeoPets, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 1999-2010 NeoPets, Inc. NeoPets is a MTV Networks company.

    You are receiving this email because someone has used this email address to create a Neopets.com account. If you wish to no longer receive ALL Neopets site related news, please click on the URL below, or copy and paste it into your web browser and you will be automatically removed from the email list: http://www.neopets.com/unsub.phtml?hash=60hKrPkkgyL&[email protected]&type=1

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    To read the Neopets Privacy Policy, click here: http://www.neopets.com/privacy.phtml



    But I didn't request my username or password. I did change both of my passwords but do I also have to change email or the password to that email address?


    Am I right, is someone try to get into my account? oÒ


    pleas help~

  4. I dont really care about the battle dome but when there is a plot I want to be ready^^

    So I train one of my pets (my first one) and my lab rat gets better stats almost every day =D


    But if you don't want to let your pets fight the lever doesn't matter.

  5. Hmm~ I'm sure I have odd habits ^^


    A common one is that I can't open a can without tapping on it ^^"

    I cant sleep unless my bed is in a corner, I have two blankets so I can build kind of a nest (one blanket on the side of the bed who is open to the room) And I cant sleep without underwear. But I can sleep with the sun shining right in my face, with loud music to total silence.


    I have a few more but they are just ticks like I hate to stand on joints between tiles. (I hope you get what I mean ~_~")

    When I think about something I bite on my lower lip, things like that^^


    I also eat the things I don't like before the things I like ^^

  6. Sorry I cant help you ._.



    The xweetok potion and starry pb are not that expensive^^

    The blue morphing potion is about 130k and the pb 90k take a look at the trading post.


    If thats too expensive you could buy a orange koi mp these are about 29k

    or a green uni morphing potion for 19k

  7. I thought the reason why you dropped your 20 pets (some of them were from the pound two right? DId you pound them so somebody could adopted them? I saw you had a few nice colored pets) was that you dont have time for so many pets and that you know created a new account just with lillianna to stay a only pet?


    is it now clear what school you are going to?

    Nice for you that you now have time for more than one pet^^

  8. Just keep your p3 harvesting and put them in the houses when they are tired and than after a couple of mins back. You could also discard a few eggs after breading but thats not really necessary.

    When Im at home all day I can make more than 100k =D

  9. I dont think this is unacceptable, since we didn't beat the challenge we don't really deserve anything.



    I didn't collect my last price, I was waiting to see how the skirt and hat look but oh well, I would have taken the book anyway and its not a big deal^^


    I wasn't participating in the community challenge either... I found a couple of neggs during my normal neo day but didn't really search for them.

  10. MUAHAHHAHHA =O____o=


    After 16 hours of refreshing and waiting impatiently I got two HISSIS *_____*


    2.pngYuiran and


    2.png Yaizu



    one of them at least are goint to be my lab rat =D I really hope they dont get a species change the first zap xD

    but I need the 1 map piece first to complete my set ._.


    at least in this 16 hours of waiting I gain a lot of np with my habi =D





    and tired xDDD

  11. Draw something for me? What do you mean? All I did was type a few lines of code... O.o


    Yeah but I couldn't do it ^^" Just if you want of course ^^""

  12. @cornflake aah >< I thought I responded .... oò" sorry^^"

    Good ideas but I don't know anything about coding ~__~"" I have to learn that << I have so many lookup ideas ^^

    I think making it scroll would be better.

    Here, try this:

    body {background: url("your_image_url_here") repeat: no-repeat;}
    #wishlist {top: 00px; left: 00px; width: 000px; height: 000px; overflow: auto;}
    <div id="wishlist" style="position:absolute;">

    Now, where I have put the zeros after top and left, you will have to enter numbers and edit those numbers until you get the div to line up inside the image. The same goes for the numbers after width and height. It all depends on the size of your background image. :3


    I hope this helps! ^w^


    *---* Yes~ this helps ^_____^

    Thanks a lot~ lmaosmiley.gif


    I could draw something for you if you want ^^

  13. Thanks a lot ^__^


    I now have my first side ^//^

    I created a xweetox but I will change him to a sweet little koi (a spotted koi is one of my dreamie =D) and even got a name I love (Yamair) wub_anim.gif


    xD but I made a stupid mistake with my user name forgot to capitalize ~_~" well...

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